我试图通过一个向量来查找使用 IQR 计算范围的异常值。当我运行此脚本以查找 IQR 右侧的值时,我得到了结果,当我向左运行时,我得到错误:缺少 TRUE/FALSE 需要的值。如何清除数据集中的真假?这是我的脚本:
data = c(100, 120, 121, 123, 125, 124, 123, 123, 123, 124, 125, 167, 180, 123, 156)
Q3 <- quantile(data, 0.75) ##gets the third quantile from the list of vectors
Q1 <- quantile(data, 0.25) ## gets the first quantile from the list of vectors
outliers_left <-(Q1-1.5*IQR(data))
outliers_right <-(Q3+1.5*IQR(data))
IQR <- IQR(data)
paste("the innner quantile range is", IQR)
Q1 # quantil at 0.25
Q3 # quantile at 0.75
# show the range of numbers we have
paste("your range is", outliers_left, "through", outliers_right, "to determine outliers")
# count ho many vectors there are and then we will pass this value into a loop to look for
# anything above and below the Q1-Q3 values
vectorCount <- sum(!is.na(data))
i <- 1
while( i < vectorCount ){
i <- i + 1
x <- data[i]
# if(x < outliers_left) {print(x)} # uncomment this to run and test for the left
if(x > outliers_right) {print(x)}
[1] 167
[1] 180
[1] 156
Error in if (x > outliers_right) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
如您所见,如果您运行此脚本,它会在右侧找到我的 3 个异常值并且还会引发错误,但是当我在 IQR 左侧再次运行此脚本时,向量中确实有 100 个异常值,我只是得到错误而没有显示其他结果。如何修复此脚本?非常感谢任何帮助。几天来,我一直在网上和我的书上搜索如何解决这个问题。