当我尝试启动 dji_sdk sdk.launch 时出现此错误

dji@manifold2:~/Desktop/M210_ws$ roslaunch dji_sdk sdk.launch 
... logging to /home/dji/.ros/log/b1f94636-ef16-11e9-bd30-74da38ebc18f/roslaunch-manifold2-6454.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://manifold2:42235/


 * /dji_sdk/align_time: False
 * /dji_sdk/app_id: 1079440
 * /dji_sdk/app_version: 1
 * /dji_sdk/baud_rate: 115200
 * /dji_sdk/enc_key: 39d353a8e9ad01b6c...
 * /dji_sdk/serial_name: /dev/ttyTHS0
 * /dji_sdk/use_broadcast: False
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.13

    dji_sdk (dji_sdk/dji_sdk_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [6464]

setting /run_id to b1f94636-ef16-11e9-bd30-74da38ebc18f
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [6477]
started core service [/rosout]
process[dji_sdk-2]: started with pid [6487]

STATUS/1 @ init, L56: Attempting to open device /dev/ttyTHS0 with baudrate 115200...

ERRORLOG/1 @ _serialOpen, L181: cannot open device /dev/ttyTHS0

ERRORLOG/1 @ init, L61: ...Failed to start serial

ERRORLOG/1 @ sendData, L423: Port closed.
ERRORLOG/1 @ sendData, L427: Open Protocol cmd send failed, send_len: -1 packet_len: 19

ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1503: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
        * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
        * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
        * TX and RX pins are inverted.
        * Serial port is occupied by another program.
        * Permission required. Please do 'sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER' (you do not need to replace $USER with your username). Then logout and login again

ERRORLOG/1 @ activate, L1387: Unable to initialize some vehicle components![ERROR] [1571121642.979869864]: drone activation error
[ERROR] [1571121642.980001324]: Vehicle initialization failed

所以现在我用什么来连接,因为我使用的是只有 UART0 和 N/A 的歧管 2c,建议使用 USB-TTL,但我应该输入什么波特率和序列名?


1 回答 1


您应该为manifold2-c使用USB-TTL并选择921600 buadrate。link 串口名是ttyUSB0,可以在/dev/查看

于 2019-10-15T08:13:20.147 回答