如何将“lwIP 库”添加到 Eclipse XSDK Zynq 应用程序项目?
我尝试按照“lwIP”库章节下 Zynq-7000 CPU 的“Xilinx 独立库文档”中的说明进行操作。
所以基本上,我创建了一个 FreeRTOS 应用程序项目
(e) Select the lwip202 library with version 1_1 .
On the left side of the SDK window, lwip202_v1_1 appears in the list of libraries to be compiled.
(f) Select lwip202 in the Project Explorer view.
The configuration options for lwIP are listed.
(g) Configure the lwIP and click OK.
The board support package automatically builds with lwIP included in it.
如何在 XSDK 中找到 BSP 设置窗口?