我尝试运行 carla 示例的 automatic_control.py,但是当我将 --agent arg 设置为“Basic”时,程序执行但 carla 窗口不显示任何内容。取而代之的是,当我将 --agent arg 设置为“漫游”时,它运行良好。我试图解决这个问题,我将失败定位在一个名为“get_topology”的函数中。

    def get_topology(self):
    Accessor for topology.
    This function retrieves topology from the server as a list of
    road segments as pairs of waypoint objects, and processes the
    topology into a list of dictionary objects.

    return: list of dictionary objects with the following attributes
            entry   -   (x,y) of entry point of road segment
            exit    -   (x,y) of exit point of road segment
            path    -   list of waypoints separated by 1m from entry
                        to exit
            intersection    -   Boolean indicating if the road segment
                                is an intersection
    topology = []
    # Retrieving waypoints to construct a detailed topology
    for segment in self._wmap.get_topology():
        x1 = segment[0].transform.location.x
        y1 = segment[0].transform.location.y
        x2 = segment[1].transform.location.x
        y2 = segment[1].transform.location.y
        seg_dict = dict()
        seg_dict['entry'] = (x1, y1)
        seg_dict['exit'] = (x2, y2)
        seg_dict['path'] = []
        wp1 = segment[0]
        wp2 = segment[1]
        seg_dict['intersection'] = True if wp1.is_intersection else False
        endloc = wp2.transform.location
        w = wp1.next(1)[0]
        while w.transform.location.distance(endloc) > 1:
            x = w.transform.location.x
            y = w.transform.location.y
            seg_dict['path'].append((x, y))
            w = w.next(1)[0]

    return topology

Windows 10 上的卡拉 0.9.5。

  • 为什么它不起作用?
  • 我该如何解决?

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