我想知道如何生成 Session-Id。有时直径接受请求没有会话 ID,所以我想为那些请求创建会话 ID,例如取消位置请求。
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public static String CreateSessionId()
/*<DiameterIdentity>;<high 32 bits>;<low 32 bits>[;<optional value>]
<high 32 bits> and <low 32 bits> are decimal representations of the
high and low 32 bits of a monotonically increasing 64-bit value. The
64-bit value is rendered in two part to simplify formatting by 32-bit
processors. At startup, the high 32 bits of the 64-bit value MAY be
initialized to the time, and the low 32 bits MAY be initialized to
zero. This will for practical purposes eliminate the possibility of
overlapping Session-Ids after a reboot, assuming the reboot process
takes longer than a second. Alternatively, an implementation MAY
keep track of the increasing value in non-volatile memory.
* <optional value> is implementation specific but may include a modem's
device Id, a layer 2 address, timestamp, etc.
Example, in which there is no optional value:
Example, in which there is an optional value:
String SessionID = "";
String hostIdentity;
int low32 = Sequence.getNext();
int high32 = 0;
long id = ((long)low32) << 32 | high32;
String optional = String.valueOf(Sequence.getNext());
SessionID = hostIdentity + ";" + id + ";" + optional;
return SessionID;
public final class Sequence
private static int _value = -1;
private static final Object m_lock = new Object();
public static int getNext()
synchronized (m_lock)
if (_value == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
_value = -1;
return ++_value;
于 2019-07-24T10:45:34.987 回答