我有一个反应应用程序,它使用 Formik 作为表单,使用 Cloud Firestore 作为数据库。
我正在尝试将表单数据保存在 Cloud Firestore 中。我的控制台或反应检查器工具中没有错误,当我按下提交时,我可以在反应检查工具中看到按钮变为禁用然后再次启用,但表单不会清除数据并且数据会不会发送到 Cloud Firestore。
我的 handleSubmit 函数有:
handleSubmit = (formState, { resetForm }) => {
// Now, you're getting form state here!
const payload = {
fieldOfResearch: formState.fieldOfResearch.map(t => t.value),
preregisterPlatform: formState.preregisterPlatform.value,
resourceRequests: formState.resourceRequests.map(t => t.value),
resourceOffers: formState.resourceOffers.map(t => t.value),
ethicsIssue: formState.ethicsIssue.map(t => t.value),
disclosureStatus: formState.disclosureStatus.value,
createdAt: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
console.log("formvalues", payload);
.then(docRef => {
console.log("docRef>>>", docRef);
.catch(error => {
console.error("Error adding document: ", error);
<div className="form-group">
disabled={!dirty || isSubmitting}
表格很长 - 它有 39 个问题,我可以从我的 Cloud Firestore 数据使用情况中看到,我没有接近读写限制。我不知道如何测量我的表单提交数据的大小以了解表单数据是否超过 Cloud Firestore 限制 - 有没有办法让 Firestore 告诉您这是否是提交不起作用的原因?
我的控制台日志以查看 handleSubmit 中的有效负载没有运行 - 所以我认为肯定有另一个问题 - 我找不到任何关于问题可能是什么的信息。
有没有人遇到过长表单没有发布到 Cloud Firestore 的问题?如果我只保留前 10 个问题,则此表单将提交到数据库。
我认为我在 Firestore 的使用限制范围内:
因此,我将 11-39 的每个问题都从表格中取出,并评论了所有 Yup 验证。我一次添加一个问题,发现表单可以正常工作并发布到 Firestore,直到我取消注释验证。他们都通过了——没有错误。所以 - 现在我想知道检查它们的时间是否由 Firestore 计算其进程,也许这会导致超时?那可能吗?如果是这样,有什么方法可以从 Firestore 获得有关这是问题的指示?我的验证如下。
我尝试评论,然后以 10 批取消评论验证。如果我评论从视频到最后的所有验证,表单将成功发布到 firebase。这些验证没有错误。我只是不能拥有它们以及成功发布到数据库。
title: Yup.string().required("Give your proposal a title"),
subtitle: Yup.string().required("Now a subtitle"),
fieldOfResearch: Yup.array().required("What is your field of research?"),
disclosureStatus: Yup.string().nullable().required("Some projects are sensitive. Choose a disclosure setting."),
overview: Yup.string().required("Outline your proposal"),
objective: Yup.string().required("What is your objective?"),
currentThinking: Yup.string().required("Outline the current thinking"),
innovationStatement: Yup.string().required("If this proposal progresses previous research, what are the next steps that are being considered? If it is a paradigm shift, what has prompted it?"),
influence: Yup.string().required("How is this proposal influenced by prevailing opinion?"),
layperson: Yup.string().required("How would you describe this research to someone new to your field?"),
elevator: Yup.string().required("Give it a try."),
// video:
resourcesConfirmation: Yup.string().required("Do you have access to research infrastructure you will need?"),
participantPlan: Yup.string().required("Do you have a plan for how you will recruit participants for this research proposal? If your study does not require participants, then NA will do the job here."),
resourceRequests: Yup.array().required('What sort of resources are you seeking?'),
resourceOffers: Yup.array().required('What sort of resources will you bring to this project?'),
technique: Yup.string().required("Ideally, this answer looks something close to 'Yes, because...' or a 'No, but this team is amazing and will master these techniques in no time, because...'"),
pitfalls: Yup.string().required("If you've tried to look at this objectively, and can't see any pitfalls, then 'Not Applicable' will do here."),
community: Yup.string().required("It can be a good idea to do this. If you do, you'll show sensitivity to the interests of others in your field and may open doors for potential collaborations and translation opportunities."),
samplesize: Yup.string().required("These questions address research quality issues that funders are assessing in considering a proposal."),
methodDescription: Yup.string().required("What approach will you take in this research?"),
qualityControls: Yup.string().required("What controls will you put in place? These should address participants, comparators and any interventions."),
sopAdoption: Yup.string().required("Describe at a summary level, any part of the Statement of Procedures that you have proposed that is noteworthy for reviewers."),
participantNotification: Yup.string().required("Will you notify participants (if there are any) about the outcomes of this research? If so, describe how that will be done."),
preregisterPlatform: Yup.string().nullable().required("Select preregistration intention"),
teamOverview: Yup.string().required("Summarise the collective capabilities and experience of the team making this proposal"),
proposalLead: Yup.string().required("Enter the name of the team leader"),
indigenous: Yup.string().required("Either outline the contribution of indigenous team members or mark this field 'Not Applicable'"),
teamSkillGap: Yup.string().required("Either outline the contribution of indigenous team members or mark this field 'Not Applicable'"),
performanceIndicators: Yup.string().required("Either outline the performance indicators or mark this field 'Not Applicable'"),
timeline: Yup.string().required("Either outline the milestones or mark this field 'Not Applicable'"),
confirmationTeamLead: Yup.boolean().oneOf(
"Confirmation that you and each team member has reviewed each of the applicable policies is required"
outcomeOverview: Yup.string().required("How might your study contribute to knowledge in the field?"),
potentialApplications: Yup.string().required("Do you have any insight into potential applications for this research?"),
potentialResearchAngles: Yup.string().required("Are there any tangential research questions that you think might follow from this study?"),
budget: Yup.string().required("Attach a link to your project budget?"),
ethicsIssue: Yup.array().required("Complete your ethics assessment"),
ethicsManagementPlan: Yup.string().required("Add an ethics management plan, or if there are no issues, complete this field with 'Not Applicable'"),
conflict: Yup.string().required("Are there any conflicts of interest?"),
reproducibility: Yup.string().required("How will you approach reproducibility?"),