我的“标签”字段是一个长度为 201 的单热向量。但是,我无法使用这种单热表示创建迭代器。如果我尝试迭代迭代器,我会收到以下错误。

from torchtext.data import Field
from torchtext.data import TabularDataset
from torchtext.data import Iterator, BucketIterator

tokenize = lambda x: x.split()

TEXT = Field(sequential=True, tokenize=tokenize, lower=True)

LABEL = Field(sequential=True, use_vocab=False)

datafields = [("text", TEXT), ("label", LABEL)]

train, test = TabularDataset.splits(
               path = '/home/karthik/Documents/Deep_Learning/73Strings/',
               train = "train.csv", validation="test.csv",

train_iter, val_iter = BucketIterator.splits(
 (train, test), # we pass in the datasets we want the iterator to draw data from
 batch_sizes=(64, 64),
 device=device, # if you want to use the GPU, specify the GPU number here
 sort_key=lambda x: len(x.text), # the BucketIterator needs to be told what function it should use to group the data.
 repeat=False # we pass repeat=False because we want to wrap this Iterator layer.
test_iter = Iterator(test, batch_size=64, sort=False, sort_within_batch=False, repeat=False)

for batch in train_iter:

() 中的 ValueError Traceback (最近一次调用最后一次) ----> 1 用于 train_iter 中的批处理:2 print(batch)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchtext/data/iterator.py in iter (self) 155 else: 156 minibatch.sort(key=self.sort_key, reverse=True) --> 157 yield Batch(minibatch, self.dataset, self.device) 158 如果不是 self.repeat: 159 返回

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchtext/data/batch.py​​ in init (self, data, dataset, device) 32 如果字段不是 None: 33 batch = [getattr(x, name) for x in data] ---> 34 setattr(self, name, field.process(batch, device=device)) 35 36 @classmethod

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchtext/data/field.py in process(self, batch, device) 199 """ 200 padded = self.pad(batch) --> 201 tensor = self.numericalize(padded, device=device) 202 返回张量 203

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchtext/data/field.py in numericize(self, arr, device) 321 arr = self.postprocessing(arr, None) 322 --> 323 var = torch .tensor(arr, dtype=self.dtype, device=device) 324 325 如果 self.sequential 而不是 self.batch_first:



1 回答 1


我通过更改LABEL = Field(sequential=True, use_vocab=False)LABEL = Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False). 这对我有用。

顺序 - 数据类型是否表示顺序数据。如果为 False,则不应用标记化。默认值:真。


于 2019-08-03T08:18:48.240 回答