I have a free iPhone App which uses in app purchase. I tested my first InAppPurchase with sandbox environment and it worked fine. After the InAppPurchase was approved and worked fine in App store, I added several new InAppPurchases in iTunes Connect and tried to test them in the sandbox environment. However I could not find these new InAppPurchases in my app.
The following is the code I uses to get InAppPurchase products:
SKProductsRequest *prodRequest= [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:
[NSSet setWithObject: prod]];
prodRequest.delegate = self;
[prodRequest start];
- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response {
int count = [response.products count];
NSLog(@"number of products:%d",count);
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
SKProduct* product = [response.products objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(@"product %d:id=%@ title=%@ desc=%@ price=%@", i, product.productIdentifier, product.localizedTitle,
If I use the old InAppPurchase product id I can get it, but if I use any newly created product id I got count==0.
From what I saw, I guess may app may not be running in the sandbox environment after my first InAppPurchase was approved, but this is just a guess, because I don't know how to check if my app is in sandbox mode or not.
I searched Internet about this issue and tried the following: 1. created a new version of my app, uploaded it to iTunes connect, and rejected the binary. no use 2. deleted all my provisioning profiles and created new ones. no use 3. created an app id for my app in developer provisioning portal and created provisioning profile for that id and used it in Xcode. no use
My Xcode version was 3.2.5. I upgraded it to 4 but this did not fix the problem.
I am wondering if any one else has seen this issue and found a solution. Thanks.