我有type 'a edge = {from: 'a; destination: 'a; weight: int}
我想要Printf.printf "%b\n"
( {from= 0; destination= 8; weight= 7}
< {from= 100; destination= 33; weight= -1} )
print true
所以我尝试了这个let ( < ) {weight= wa} {weight= wb} = wa < wb
操作员只能在 上工作'a edge
,这意味着1 < 2
type 'a leftist = Leaf | Node of 'a leftist * 'a * 'a leftist * int
let rank t = match t with Leaf -> 0 | Node (_, _, _, r) -> r
let is_empty t = rank t = 0
let rec merge t1 t2 =
match (t1, t2) with
| Leaf, _ -> t2
| _, Leaf -> t1
| Node (t1l, v1, t1r, r1), Node (t2l, v2, t2r, r2) ->
if v1 > v2 then merge t2 t1
let next = merge t1r t2 in
let rt1l = rank t1l and rn = rank next in
if rt1l < rn then Node (next, v1, t1l, rn + 1)
else Node (t1l, v1, next, rt1l + 1)
let insert v t = merge t (Node (Leaf, v, Leaf, 1))
let peek t = match t with Leaf -> None | Node (_, v, _, _) -> Some v
let pop t = match t with Leaf -> Leaf | Node (l, _, r, _) -> merge l r
按预期工作,我必须在使用的地方传入一个比较 lambda<