是否有一种简单的方法可以在 Python 3 中禁用异常堆栈跟踪的日志记录,无论是 aHandler还是Formatter

我需要另一个堆栈跟踪Handler,所以exc_info=False在调用中设置 ,Logger不是一个选项。有没有比定义我自己的更简单的方法Formatter


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The easiest option to disable per handler traceback output is to add a custom logging.Filter subclass that alters the record object (rather than filter out records).

The filter simply has to set exc_info on records to None:

class TracebackInfoFilter(logging.Filter):
    """Clear or restore the exception on log records"""
    def __init__(self, clear=True):
        self.clear = clear
    def filter(self, record):
        if self.clear:
            record._exc_info_hidden, record.exc_info = record.exc_info, None
            # clear the exception traceback text cache, if created.
            record.exc_text = None
        elif hasattr(record, "_exc_info_hidden"):
            record.exc_info = record._exc_info_hidden
            del record._exc_info_hidden
        return True

and add that filter on your handler:

# do not display tracebacks in messages handled with this handler,
# by setting the traceback cache to a non-empty string:

However, handlers do not copy log records, and any other handler that is passed the same log record later on will also ignore formatting the traceback. So you also need to configure any other handlers to restore the information again:

for handler in logger.handlers:
    if not any(isinstance(f, TracebackInfoFilter) for f in handler.filters):

If anyone wanted to disable all traceback outputs, everywhere, then perhaps adding a custom filter to all handlers or loggers becomes tedious. In that case another option is to register a custom record factory with the logging.setLogRecordFactory() function; just set the exc_info attribute on records to None, unconditionally:

record_factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory()

def clear_exc_text(*args, **kwargs):
    record = record_factory(*args, **kwargs)
    record.exc_info = None
    return record


Note that the default factory is just the logging.LogRecord class, but the above function does its best to work with any already-set custom factory.

Of course, you can also create your own Handler subclass where the Handler.handle() sets and clears the exc_info attribute:

class NoTracebackHandler(logging.Handler):
    def handle(self, record):
        info, cache = record.exc_info, record.exc_text
        record.exc_info, record.exc_text = None, None
            record.exc_info = info
            record.exc_text = cache
于 2019-02-09T11:22:36.030 回答