如何更改 pheatmap 中的文本颜色?我尝试了以下方法,但它不会更改轴文本和标签,但它不起作用

par( col.lab="#FFFFFF", fg="#FFFFFF", col.main="#FFFFFF", col.axis="#FFFFFF", cex.main=2, cex=2)
pheatmap(heat_data, cluster_rows = FALSE, gaps_row = c(3), cellwidth=35, cellheight=35, fontsize = 25)

1 回答 1


这是答案。该代码修改了 x 和 y 标签的颜色和字体大小以及树状图的颜色和线宽。颜色设置为白色,但您可以将其更改为其他颜色。

p = pheatmap(heat_data, cluster_rows=F,  gaps_row = 3, 
            cellwidth=45, cellheight=45, fontsize = 20, angle_col = "90", legend=TRUE,legend_breaks=c(40, 20, 0, -20, -40, -60),
             legend_labels=c(40, 20, " 0", -20, -40, -60), annotation_row = NULL,
            annotation_legend = FALSE, labels_row = NULL, labels_col=NULL, 
            annotation_names_row = F, annotation_names_col = F, annotation_colors  = ann_colors, dist="euclidean", 
            col=COLS, scale="none", show_rownames = T, show_colnames = T)
my_gtable = p$gtable

my_gtable$grobs[[3]]$gp=gpar(col="#ffffff", fontsize=20)# assuming that the xlabels are in the third grob
my_gtable$grobs[[4]]$gp=gpar(col="#ffffff", fontsize=20)# assuming that the ylabels are in the fourth grob
my_gtable$grobs[[1]]$gp=gpar(col="#ffffff", lwd=2) # change the color of the dendrogram and set the linewidth to 2
my_gtable$grobs[[5]]$gp=gpar(col="#ffffff", fontsize="20", just="center") # legend
于 2019-01-11T21:24:16.017 回答