I'm trying to do a bayesian gamma regression with stan. I know the correct link function is the inverse canonical link, but if i dont use a log link parameters can be negative, and enter in a gamma distribution with a negative value, that obviously can't be possible. how can i deal with it?
parameters {
vector[K] betas; //the regression parameters
real beta0;
real<lower=0.001, upper=100 > shape; //the variance parameter
transformed parameters {
vector<lower=0>[N] eta; //the expected values (linear predictor)
vector[N] alpha; //shape parameter for the gamma distribution
vector[N] beta; //rate parameter for the gamma distribution
eta <- beta0 + X*betas; //using the log link
model {
beta0 ~ normal( 0 , 2^2 );
for(i in 2:K)
betas[i] ~ normal( 0 , 2^2 );
y ~ gamma(shape,shape * eta);