I have a library driven result stored as an int16_t value (and it is a negative, which I can use the absolute value of) and another library function that requires this value a few steps later in the form uin8_t*. How can this be done without using String?
The following code works, but uses dreaded Strings. Is there a way to do this without invoking String or std::string?
void setup() {
void loop() {
String initialVal= String(-fetchInt());
Serial.print("Initial value is: ");Serial.println(initialVal);//prints "76"
uint8_t medianVal[sizeof(initialVal);
medianVal.getBytes(medianVal, sizeof(initialVal));
Serial.print("median value is: ");Serial.println(medianVal);//prints "76"
uint8_t* finalVal = medianVal;
Serial.print("final value is: ");Serial.println((char*)finalVal);//prints "76"
int16_t fetchInt(){
return -76;
So, how can I turn int16_t into uint8_t*?
It has been pointed out in comments below that
works, but this solution converts the uint8_t to an unsigned int and the method requires uint8_t*.
I come from Java and the like and it seems crazy that it is so hard to convert an integer to a string.