请你能帮我更正这段代码吗?我想将每个图像的快速傅立叶变换的结果分开保存,这样我就可以为从 FFT 获得的每个波段重新使用适当的系数来计算函数的贝塞尔势能?我的代码如下,
close all;
imagefiles = dir('*.jpg'); %any jpg file found in the folder
nfiles = length(imagefiles); % Number of image files found
stored_values = cell(1,nfiles); % Preallocate the array for saving the values
for ii=1:nfiles
currentfilename = imagefiles(ii).name;
I = imread(currentfilename);
myimage = rgb2gray(I);
Y = fft2(myimage)
fftMagnitude = abs(fftshift(Y))
stored_values{ii}=fftMagnitude %store values of fft
syms Y
A = [-1, pi; Y, 0];
J = besselj((1/2), A)
stored_values{ii}=J %save the besselj result in another cell ??