我正在寻找一种方法来将列表中的不同代表分配给MethodInfo's 而无需事先了解有关返回类型的信息。下面是我正在使用的代码。评论提供了有关正在发生的事情的更多信息。这是一段很长的代码,但我已经尽可能地减少了它。


private const string methodName = "Execute";

    public static void Main()
        ExampleClass1 e1 = new ExampleClass1();
        ExampleClass2 e2 = new ExampleClass2();
        ExampleClass3 e3 = new ExampleClass3();

        /* Code below Simulates:  "e3.GetString = e2.Execute;" */
        var method = e2.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);

        for (int i = 0; i < e3.DelegateList.Count; i++)
            // First check the type of e2 return
            Type methodType = method.ReturnType;

            // Check that its the same return type as delegate
            if (methodType != e3.DelegateList[i].ReturnType)

            // Assign delegate to method
            var returnType = e3.DelegateList[i].DelegateType;
            e3.DelegateList[i].Delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(returnType, e2, method);

            /* Code below only for debugging */
            Console.WriteLine("The delegate in the list: " + e3.DelegateList[i].Delegate);// Returns Type of StringHandler
            Console.WriteLine("The delegate in the object: " + e3.GetString);// Returns null
            e3.GetString = e3.DelegateList[i].Delegate;// This throws Error Cannot convert Delegate to StringHandler

        /* Code above Simulates:  "e3.GetString = e2.Execute;" */

        e2.GetNumber = e1.Execute;

        e3.Execute();// Throws Null References Exception on

        // Read the key



 public class ExampleClass3
    public delegate string StringHandler();

    public delegate int IntHandler();

    public StringHandler GetString { get; set; }
    public IntHandler GetInt { get; set; }

    public List<DelegateInfo<Type, Type, Delegate>> DelegateList { get; set; }

    public ExampleClass3()
        DelegateList = new List<DelegateInfo<Type, Type, Delegate>>();
        DelegateList.Add(new DelegateInfo<Type, Type, Delegate>(typeof(StringHandler), typeof(string), GetString));
        DelegateList.Add(new DelegateInfo<Type, Type, Delegate>(typeof(IntHandler), typeof(int), GetInt));

    public object Execute()

        return null;

public class ExampleClass2
    public delegate int NumberHandler();

    public NumberHandler GetNumber { get; set; }

    public string Execute() => $"Your Number Is {GetNumber()}";

public class ExampleClass1
    public int number = 5;

    public int Execute() => number;

public class DelegateInfo<T1, T2, T3>
    public DelegateInfo(T1 delegateType, T2 returnType, T3 @delegate)
        DelegateType = delegateType;
        ReturnType = returnType;
        Delegate = @delegate;

    public T1 DelegateType { get; set; }
    public T2 ReturnType { get; set; }
    public T3 Delegate { get; set; }

2 回答 2


我稍微简化了你的代码来演示我将如何处理这个问题。首先,不要创建特殊的 DelegateInfo 类 - 尽可能坚持使用标准的 .NET 反射库。他们在这方面做得非常好——但学习确实需要一段时间。


    private const string methodName = "Execute";

    public static void Main()
        ExampleClass1 e1 = new ExampleClass1();
        ExampleClass2 e2 = new ExampleClass2();
        ExampleClass3 e3 = new ExampleClass3();

        /* Code below Simulates:  "e3.GetString = e2.Execute;" */
        var method = e2.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);            
        Type methodType = method.ReturnType;

        // Create a Func<T> that will invoke the target method            
        var funcType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(methodType);
        var del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(funcType, e2, method);

        var properties = e3.GetType().GetProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
            if (properties[i].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(funcType)) {
                properties[i].SetValue(e3, del );

        /* Code above Simulates:  "e3.GetString = e2.Execute;" */

        e2.GetNumber = e1.Execute;


        // Read the key
    public class ExampleClass3
        public Func<String> GetString { get; set; }
        public Func<int> GetInt { get; set; }

        public ExampleClass3()
        { }

        public object Execute()
            return null;

    public class ExampleClass2
        public Func<int> GetNumber { get; set; }

        public string Execute() => $"Your Number Is {GetNumber()}";

    public class ExampleClass1
        public int number = 5;

        public int Execute() => number;

首先,请注意我是如何摆脱自定义委托定义以支持 Func 的。这将证明以通用方式更容易使用。请注意现在如何定义 ExampleClass3:

    public class ExampleClass3
        public Func<String> GetString { get; set; }
        public Func<int> GetInt { get; set; }

        public ExampleClass3()
        { }

        public object Execute()
            return null;

我可以利用所有这些函数都是 Func 类型的事实来开发一个通用的解决方案来为它们分配一个值。根据目标方法的返回类型,我可以构造一个适当类型的 Func 委托(并将其链接到相关的特定 e2 实例):

    var funcType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(methodType);
    var del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(funcType, e2, method);


        var properties = e3.GetType().GetProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
            if (properties[i].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(funcType)) {
                properties[i].SetValue(e3, del );


于 2018-11-11T13:32:36.600 回答


e3.GetString = (ExampleClass3.StringHandler)e3.DelegateList[i].Delegate;
于 2018-11-11T12:29:30.073 回答