好的,所以我正在为我的高级项目制作德州扑克 AI。我已经创建了 gui 和投注/交易程序,但我已经到了需要确定谁赢了这手牌的部分,而且我不知道解决这个问题的最佳方法。我正在使用 python 顺便说一句。ATM 我有 2 个列表,一个用于 7 个玩家卡,一个用于 7 个计算机卡。目前所有的牌都以结构体的形式存储在列表中,如 {'Number': XX, 'Suit': x},其中 number 为 2-14,suit 为 1-4。我打算解决这个问题的方法是为每种手型创建一个函数,从最高的开始。例如。self.CheckRoyal(playerCards),并手动浏览列表并评估是否实现了皇家同花顺。必须有一种更好的数字方式来做到这一点。


5 回答 5



您将获得的最佳算法是在大小为 100 MB 的查找表中查找 7 次(如果我没记错的话)

于 2011-03-14T00:17:56.743 回答
import itertools
from collections import Counter

# gets the most common element from a list
def Most_Common(lst):
    data = Counter(lst)
    return data.most_common(1)[0]

# gets card value from  a hand. converts A to 14,  is_seq function will convert the 14 to a 1 when necessary to evaluate A 2 3 4 5 straights
def convert_tonums(h, nums = {'T':10, 'J':11, 'Q':12, 'K':13, "A": 14}):
    for x in xrange(len(h)):

        if (h[x][0]) in nums.keys():

            h[x] = str(nums[h[x][0]]) + h[x][1]

    return h

# is royal flush
# if a hand is a straight and a flush and the lowest value is a 10 then it is a royal flush
def is_royal(h):
    nh = convert_tonums(h)
    if is_seq(h):
        if is_flush(h):
            nn = [int(x[:-1]) for x in nh]
            if min(nn) == 10:
                return True

        return False

# converts hand to number valeus and then evaluates if they are sequential  AKA a straight  
def is_seq(h):
    ace = False
    r = h[:]

    h = [x[:-1] for x in convert_tonums(h)]

    h = [int(x) for x in h]
    h = list(sorted(h))
    ref = True
    for x in xrange(0,len(h)-1):
        if not h[x]+1 == h[x+1]:
            ref =  False

    if ref:
        return True, r

    aces = [i for i in h if str(i) == "14"]
    if len(aces) == 1:
        for x in xrange(len(h)):
            if str(h[x]) == "14":
                h[x] = 1

    h = list(sorted(h))
    for x in xrange(0,len(h)-1):
        if not h[x]+1 == h[x+1]:

            return False
    return True, r

# call set() on the suite values of the hand and if it is 1 then they are all the same suit
def is_flush(h):
    suits = [x[-1] for x in h]
    if len(set(suits)) == 1:
        return True, h
        return False

# if the most common element occurs 4 times then it is a four of a kind
def is_fourofakind(h):
    h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
    i = Most_Common(h)
    if i[1] == 4:
        return True, i[0]
        return False

# if the most common element occurs 3 times then it is a three of a kind
def is_threeofakind(h):
    h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
    i = Most_Common(h)
    if i[1] == 3:
        return True, i[0]
        return False

# if the first 2 most common elements have counts of 3 and 2, then it is a full house
def is_fullhouse(h):
    h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
    data = Counter(h)
    a, b = data.most_common(1)[0], data.most_common(2)[-1]
    if str(a[1]) == '3' and str(b[1]) == '2':
        return True, (a, b)
    return False

# if the first 2 most common elements have counts of 2 and 2 then it is a two pair
def is_twopair(h):
    h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
    data = Counter(h)
    a, b = data.most_common(1)[0], data.most_common(2)[-1]
    if str(a[1]) == '2' and str(b[1]) == '2':
        return True, (a[0], b[0])
    return False

#if the first most common element is 2 then it is a pair
# DISCLAIMER: this will return true if the hand is a two pair, but this should not be a conflict because is_twopair is always evaluated and returned first 
def is_pair(h):
    h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
    data = Counter(h)
    a = data.most_common(1)[0]

    if str(a[1]) == '2':
        return True, (a[0]) 
        return False

#get the high card 
def get_high(h):
    return list(sorted([int(x[:-1]) for x in convert_tonums(h)], reverse =True))[0]

# FOR HIGH CARD or ties, this function compares two hands by ordering the hands from highest to lowest and comparing each card and returning when one is higher then the other
def compare(xs, ys):
  xs, ys = list(sorted(xs, reverse =True)), list(sorted(ys, reverse = True))

  for i, c in enumerate(xs):
    if ys[i] > c:
        return 'RIGHT'
    elif ys[i] < c:
        return 'LEFT'

  return "TIE"

# categorized a hand based on previous functions
def evaluate_hand(h):

    if is_royal(h):
        return "ROYAL FLUSH", h, 10
    elif is_seq(h) and is_flush(h) :
        return "STRAIGHT FLUSH", h, 9 
    elif is_fourofakind(h):
        _, fourofakind = is_fourofakind(h)
        return "FOUR OF A KIND", fourofakind, 8
    elif is_fullhouse(h):
        return "FULL HOUSE", h, 7
    elif is_flush(h):
        _, flush = is_flush(h)
        return "FLUSH", h, 6
    elif is_seq(h):
        _, seq = is_seq(h)
        return "STRAIGHT", h, 5
    elif is_threeofakind(h):
        _, threeofakind = is_threeofakind(h)
        return "THREE OF A KIND", threeofakind, 4
    elif is_twopair(h):
        _, two_pair = is_twopair(h)
        return "TWO PAIR", two_pair, 3
    elif is_pair(h):
        _, pair = is_pair(h)
        return "PAIR", pair, 2 
        return "HIGH CARD", h, 1

#this monster function evaluates two hands and also deals with ties and edge cases
# this probably should be broken up into separate functions but aint no body got time for that
def compare_hands(h1,h2):
    one, two = evaluate_hand(h1), evaluate_hand(h2)
    if one[0] == two[0]:

        if one[0] =="STRAIGHT FLUSH":

            sett1, sett2 = convert_tonums(h1), convert_tonums(h2)
            sett1, sett2 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett1], [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett2]
            com = compare(sett1, sett2)

            if com == "TIE":
                return "none", one[1], two[1]
            elif com == "RIGHT":
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
                return "left", one[0], one[1]

        elif one[0] == "TWO PAIR":

            leftover1, leftover2 = is_twopair(h1), is_twopair(h2)
            twm1, twm2 = max([int(x) for x in list(leftover1[1])]), max([int(x) for x in list(leftover2[1])])
            if twm1 > twm2:
                return "left", one[0], one[1]
            elif twm1 < twm2:
                return "right", two[0], two[1]

            if compare(list(leftover1[1]), list(leftover2[1])) == "TIE":
                l1 = [x[:-1] for x in h1 if x[:-1] not in leftover1[1]]
                l2 = [x[:-1] for x in h2 if x[:-1] not in leftover2[1]]
                if int(l1[0]) == int(l2[0]):
                    return "none", one[1], two[1]
                elif int(l1[0]) > int(l2[0]):
                    return "left", one[0], one[1]
                    return "right", two[0], two[1]
            elif compare(list(leftover1[1]), list(leftover2[1]))  == "RIGHT":
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
            elif  compare(list(leftover1[1]), list(leftover2[1]))  == "LEFT":
                return "left", one[0], one[1]

        elif one[0] == "PAIR":
            sh1, sh2 = int(is_pair(h1)[1]), int(is_pair(h2)[1])
            if sh1 == sh2:

                c1 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in convert_tonums(h1) if not int(sh1) == int(x[:-1])]
                c2 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in convert_tonums(h2) if not int(sh1) == int(x[:-1])]
                if compare(c1, c2) == "TIE":
                    return "none", one[1], two[1]
                elif compare(c1, c2) == "RIGHT":
                    return "right", two[0], two[1]
                    return "left", one[0], one[1]

            elif h1 > h2:
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
                return "left", one[0], one[1]

        elif one[0] == 'FULL HOUSE':

            fh1, fh2 =  int(is_fullhouse(h1)[1][0][0]), int(is_fullhouse(h2)[1][0][0])
            if fh1 > fh2:
                return "left", one[0], one[1]
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
        elif one[0] == "HIGH CARD":
            sett1, sett2 = convert_tonums(h1), convert_tonums(h2)
            sett1, sett2 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett1], [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett2]
            com = compare(sett1, sett2)
            if com == "TIE":
                return "none", one[1], two[1]
            elif com == "RIGHT":
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
                return "left", one[0], one[1]

        elif len(one[1]) < 5:
            if max(one[1])  == max(two[1]):
                return "none", one[1], two[1]
            elif max(one[1]) > max(two[1]):
                return "left", one[0], one[1]
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
            n_one, n_two = convert_tonums(one[1]), convert_tonums(two[1])
            n_one, n_two = [int(x[:-1]) for x in n_one], [int(x[:-1]) for x in n_two]

            if max(n_one)  == max(n_two):
                return "none", one[1], two[1]
            elif max(n_one) > max(n_two):
                return "left", one[0], one[1]
                return "right", two[0], two[1]
    elif one[2] > two[2]:
        return "left", one[0], one[1]
        return "right", two[0], two[1]

a = ['QD', 'KD', '9D', 'JD', 'TD'] 
b = ['JS', '8S', 'KS', 'AS', 'QS']
print compare_hands(a,b)
于 2014-06-29T23:53:23.347 回答

ralu 帖子中使用的方法是迄今为止我见过的最好的选择。我在自己的项目中使用了这种方法,而且速度非常快。



每个卡值都有一个对应的素值。该表由手中每个牌值的乘积来索引。因此,要找到手牌 AAAAK 的值,您需要计算素数乘法并将其用作表格的索引:

int prime = getPrime(hand); // Calculates A.getPrime()...*K.getPrime();
int value = table[prime];


这样,AAAAK 与 KAAAA 是同一手牌,您不需要 5 点表。

请注意,您需要通过最好的 5 张牌手的所有组合,以及您可以从中选择的 7 张牌,找到最大的值,这就是手牌的真正价值。



于 2011-03-14T00:44:10.923 回答

可以在此处找到现成的德州扑克 7 张和 5 张牌评估器的示例,并在此处进一步解释。这可能会帮助您提高性能。欢迎在其中找到的电子邮件地址提供所有反馈。

于 2011-03-24T05:51:02.223 回答


于 2011-03-14T00:21:26.860 回答