更新 Unity 后,在 Unity 5 中创建(并正在运行)的 hololens 项目现在将其脚本后端设置为 IL2CPP。(我忽略了原来的设置)

这怎么发生的?以及有什么影响?(我需要调试项目)我可以安全地将平台切换到 .NET 吗?


1 回答 1


Unity is deprecating the .NET scripting backend in favor of IL2CPP and the newer versions automatically have IL2CPP selected as the scripting backend. You can still run .NET as the scripting backend for now but it might be a good idea to get used to the IL2CPP scripting backend as .NET will be dropped in the future. There is a managed debugger for IL2PCPP in 2018.2 that is supposed to allow you to debug your managed code (versus the C++ that it is converted to) but I don't know much about it yet.

于 2018-08-23T17:18:32.743 回答