
import SimpleITK as sitk
img = sitk.ReadImage("Sub1.png")


RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-48-a1d4494dca15> in <module>()
      1 #img = sitk.Image(img.GetSize(), sitk.sitkUInt8)
----> 2 img=img>20

~/sitkpy/lib/python3.5/site-packages/SimpleITK/SimpleITK.py in __gt__(self, other)
   4424            return Greater( self, other )
   4425         try:
-> 4426            return Greater( self, float(other) )
   4427         except (ValueError, TypeError):
   4428            return NotImplemented

~/sitkpy/lib/python3.5/site-packages/SimpleITK/SimpleITK.py in Greater(*args)
  34346     """
> 34347     return _SimpleITK.Greater(*args)
  34348 class GridImageSource(ImageFilter_0):
  34349     """

RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK Greater: /tmp/SimpleITK/Code/Common/include/sitkMemberFunctionFactory.hxx:209:
sitk::ERROR: Pixel type: vector of 8-bit unsigned integer is not supported in 2D byN3itk6simple18GreaterImageFilterE

我申请img = sitk.Image(img.GetSize(), sitk.sitkUInt8)了,但我得到了一个黑色的图像。

有没有类似Python 的选项double(img)im2bw会正常工作吗?print(img) 给出以下内容

VectorImage (0x2f57af0) RTTI 类型信息:itk::VectorImage 参考计数:1 修改时间:1289 调试:关闭对象名称:观察者:无源:(无)源输出名称:(无)发布数据:关闭数据发布:假全局发布数据:关闭 PipelineMTime:1278 UpdateMTime:1288 RealTimeStamp:0 秒 LargestPossibleRegion:维度:2 索引:[0, 0] 大小:[305, 305] BufferedRegion:维度:2 索引:[0, 0] 大小:[305, 305 ] RequestedRegion: 维度: 2 索引: [0, 0] 大小: [305, 305] 间距: [1, 1] 原点: [0, 0] 方向: 1 0 0 1

索引到点矩阵:1 0 0 1

点到索引矩阵:1 0 0 1

反向:1 0 0 1

VectorLength:4 PixelContainer:ImportImageContainer (0x24ba950) RTTI typeinfo:itk::ImportImageContainer 参考计数:1 修改时间:1285 调试:关闭对象名称:观察者:无指针:0x30bb390 容器管理内存:true 大小:372100 容量:372100



1 回答 1


您的例外情况如下: RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK Greater: /tmp/SimpleITK/Code/Common/include/sitkMemberFunctionFactory.hxx:209: sitk::ERROR: Pixel type: vector of 8-bit unsigned integer is not supported in 2D byN3itk6simple18GreaterImageFilterE

尝试运行: import SimpleITK as sitk img = sitk.ReadImage("Sub1.png") print img

这意味着您的输入图像不是标量图像,而是具有多个组件的图像。">" 或sitk.GraterThan不支持矢量图像。它只支持标量图像。

问题是:您的图像是否假设为 RGB 图像?你想如何处理多通道图像的“阈值化”?

于 2018-06-28T12:48:36.147 回答