I would be grateful for some suggestions for best best practice.
I am a proficient user of Sketchup for a dozen years. I can make my way around blender.
I have a need to model a wind turbine which ends up in gltf and imported into cesium with animated blades and orientation (ie. two animations).
Over the last couple of weeks I have learnt how to animate the blades in the correct plane in blender at appropriate revolution speed. I now have an animated model ready for export with seemingly good structure / hierarchy of parts.
If I export to fbx the blade rotation is correct but materials and textures are missing. Plus I can't migrate it to Gltf as every option I try fails.
If I use the gltf exporters from Khronos when running the animation the blades disappear altogether. If I use the other gltf exporter the blade angle gets corrupted (unlike fbx) and no animation survives the export. If I import the fbx back into blender the model is intact (except no materials) and the rotation works as exported. If I export as Collada / dae the blades drop from the top of the model to the bottom and there is no animation.
I have played hours of videos, searched and read endless Web pages but after weeks of effort I have failed to get anywhere near my goal - an animated gltf that I can import into Cesium.
Every step of the way is plagued by imponderable next steps to fix the problem. I have run out of puff.
I would be hugely grateful for some best case suggestions on doing something which seems like it should be simple but simply isn't.