您可以按照 zett42 的建议更改 alpha 透明度,而不是更改为灰度。
void change(HBITMAP hbmp, bool enabled)
HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr);
GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(bm), &bm);
int w = bm.bmWidth;
int h = bm.bmHeight;
BITMAPINFO bi = { sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), w, h, 1, 32, BI_RGB };
std::vector<uint32_t> pixels(w * h);
GetDIBits(memdc, hbmp, 0, h, &pixels[0], &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
//assume that the color at (0,0) is the background color
uint32_t old_color = pixels[0];
//this is the new background color
uint32_t bk = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU);
//swap RGB with BGR
uint32_t new_color = RGB(GetBValue(bk), GetGValue(bk), GetRValue(bk));
//define lambda functions to swap between BGR and RGB
auto bgr_r = [](uint32_t color) { return GetBValue(color); };
auto bgr_g = [](uint32_t color) { return GetGValue(color); };
auto bgr_b = [](uint32_t color) { return GetRValue(color); };
BYTE new_red = bgr_r(new_color);
BYTE new_grn = bgr_g(new_color);
BYTE new_blu = bgr_b(new_color);
//change background and modify disabled bitmap
for(auto &p : pixels)
if(p == old_color)
p = new_color;
else if(!enabled)
//blend color with background, similar to 50% alpha
BYTE red = (bgr_r(p) + new_red) / 2;
BYTE grn = (bgr_g(p) + new_grn) / 2;
BYTE blu = (bgr_b(p) + new_blu) / 2;
p = RGB(blu, grn, red); //<= BGR/RGB swap
//fix corner edges
for(int row = h - 2; row >= 1; row--)
for(int col = 1; col < w - 1; col++)
int i = row * w + col;
if(pixels[i] != new_color)
//check the color of neighboring pixels:
//if that pixel has background color,
//then that pixel is the background
bool l = pixels[i - 1] == new_color; //left pixel is background
bool r = pixels[i + 1] == new_color; //right ...
bool t = pixels[i - w] == new_color; //top ...
bool b = pixels[i + w] == new_color; //bottom ...
//we are on a corner pixel if:
//both left-pixel and top-pixel are background or
//both left-pixel and bottom-pixel are background or
//both right-pixel and bottom-pixel are background or
//both right-pixel and bottom-pixel are background
if(l && t || l && b || r && t || r && b)
//blend corner pixel with background
BYTE red = (bgr_r(pixels[i]) + new_red) / 2;
BYTE grn = (bgr_g(pixels[i]) + new_grn) / 2;
BYTE blu = (bgr_b(pixels[i]) + new_blu) / 2;
pixels[i] = RGB(blu, grn, red);//<= BGR/RGB swap
SetDIBits(memdc, hbmp, 0, h, &pixels[0], &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
CBitmap bmp1, bmp2;
change(bmp1, enabled);
change(bmp2, disabled);