不,Cecil 不提供这种方法,因为 Cecil 只为我们提供 CIL 元数据。(有项目 Cecil.Rocks,其中包含一些有用的扩展方法,但没有这个)
在 MSIL 方法中有一个属性“覆盖”,它包含对该方法覆盖的方法的引用(在 Cecil 中,MethodDefinition 类中确实有一个属性 Overrides)。但是,该属性仅在某些特殊情况下使用,例如显式接口实现。通常这个属性是空的,哪些方法被所讨论的方法覆盖是基于约定的。这些约定在 ECMA CIL 标准中进行了描述。简而言之,方法会覆盖具有相同名称和相同签名的方法。
以下代码片段可能会帮助您以及此讨论:http ://
public static bool Overrides(this MethodDefinition method, MethodReference overridden)
Contract.Requires(method != null);
Contract.Requires(overridden != null);
bool explicitIfaceImplementation = method.Overrides.Any(overrides => overrides.IsEqual(overridden));
if (explicitIfaceImplementation)
return true;
if (IsImplicitInterfaceImplementation(method, overridden))
return true;
// new slot method cannot override any base classes' method by convention:
if (method.IsNewSlot)
return false;
// check base-type overrides using Cecil's helper method GetOriginalBaseMethod()
return method.GetOriginalBaseMethod().IsEqual(overridden);
/// <summary>
/// Implicit interface implementations are based only on method's name and signature equivalence.
/// </summary>
private static bool IsImplicitInterfaceImplementation(MethodDefinition method, MethodReference overridden)
// check that the 'overridden' method is iface method and the iface is implemented by method.DeclaringType
if (overridden.DeclaringType.SafeResolve().IsInterface == false ||
method.DeclaringType.Interfaces.None(i => i.IsEqual(overridden.DeclaringType)))
return false;
// check whether the type contains some other explicit implementation of the method
if (method.DeclaringType.Methods.SelectMany(m => m.Overrides).Any(m => m.IsEqual(overridden)))
// explicit implementation -> no implicit implementation possible
return false;
// now it is enough to just match the signatures and names:
return method.Name == overridden.Name && method.SignatureMatches(overridden);
static bool IsEqual(this MethodReference method1, MethodReference method2)
return method1.Name == method2.Name && method1.DeclaringType.IsEqual(method2.DeclaringType);
// IsEqual for TypeReference is similar...