5 回答
是的,你想得太用力了。:-) 这取决于上下文。
看看 FSM 的维基百科页面的数学模型部分。看看它在哪里说“S 是一个有限的、非空的状态集”?擦除“有限”。你的状态转换函数也会变成无限的,不过没关系,有很多无限函数。
有限状态机 (FSM) 术语在自动机理论的教科书中有一个精确的定义。FSM 允许对软件实体行为进行最精确和压缩的表示,因为它们独立于编程语言和数据表示。状态机一词通常用于描述一组“FSM 风格”的 API,例如 Statecharts。不幸的是,软件工程师很少使用 FSM 的全部潜力,因为他们经常被许多困扰状态图的问题所困扰:例如非确定性。
有限状态机 (FSM) 或有限状态自动机(复数:自动机),或简称为状态机
Assuming you are not in a computer languages classroom, in the context of Software it is almost always a State Machine since it doesn't fit the mathematical definition of FSM (Finite State Machine). Especially when considering Business Process Management/Workflow, the number of nodes in the transition graph is finite, but the state of the process is not limited by those and has unlimited external context.
However if someone refers to FSM in software it's pedantic to point out that it doesn't meet the math definition and they are probably using that term to refer to the simpler types of state machines vs. Petri Net, BPM, Orchestration, or any number of other ways to manage states, processes, transitions, etc. There is also a huge difference from process management, persisted state machines, and the in memory kind that are used for parsing or network state, for example.
In short, it's very ambiguous if you are not in a classroom.