
我试图解决这个Windy-Grid-World 环境。实现了 Q 和 Q(λ) 算法后,结果几乎相同(我正在查看每集的步骤)。


根据我的阅读,我相信更高的 lambda 参数应该会更新更多的状态。因此,与常规 Q-learning 相比,步数的减少应该大大减少。这张图片显示了我在说什么。



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from lib.envs.windy_gridworld import WindyGridworldEnv
from collections import defaultdict

env = WindyGridworldEnv()

def epsilon_greedy_policy(Q, state, nA, epsilon):
    Create a policy in which epsilon dictates how likely it will 
    take a random action.

    :param Q: links state -> action value (dictionary)
    :param state: state character is in (int)
    :param nA: number of actions (int)
    :param epsilon: chance it will take a random move (float)
    :return: probability of each action to be taken (list)
    probs = np.ones(nA) * epsilon / nA
    best_action = np.argmax(Q[state])
    probs[best_action] += 1.0 - epsilon

    return probs

def Q_learning_lambda(episodes, learning_rate, discount, epsilon, _lambda):
    Learns to solve the environment using Q(λ)

    :param episodes: Number of episodes to run (int)
    :param learning_rate: How fast it will converge to a point (float [0, 1])
    :param discount: How much future events lose their value (float [0, 1])
    :param epsilon: chance a random move is selected (float [0, 1])
    :param _lambda: How much credit to give states leading up to reward (float [0, 1])

    :return: x,y points to graph

    # Link state to action values
    Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(env.action_space.n))
    # Eligibility trace
    e = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(env.action_space.n))

    # Points to plot
    # number of episodes
    x = np.arange(episodes)
    # number of steps
    y = np.zeros(episodes)

    for episode in range(episodes):
        state = env.reset()

        # Select action
        probs = epsilon_greedy_policy(Q, state, env.action_space.n, epsilon)
        action = np.random.choice(len(probs), p=probs)

        for step in range(10000):

            # Take action
            next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

            # Select next action
            probs = epsilon_greedy_policy(Q, next_state, env.action_space.n, epsilon)
            next_action = np.random.choice(len(probs), p=probs)

            # Get update value
            best_next_action = np.argmax(Q[next_state])
            td_target = reward + discount * Q[next_state][best_next_action]
            td_error = td_target - Q[state][action]

            e[state][action] += 1

            # Update all states
            for s in Q:
                for a in range(len(Q[s])):

                    # Update Q value based on eligibility trace
                    Q[s][a] += learning_rate * td_error * e[s][a]

                    # Decay eligibility trace if best action is taken
                    if next_action is best_next_action:
                        e[s][a] = discount * _lambda * e[s][a]
                    # Reset eligibility trace if random action taken
                        e[s][a] = 0

            if done:
                y[episode] = step

            # Update action and state
            action = next_action
            state = next_state

    return x, y

如果您想查看全部内容,可以在此处查看我的 Jupyter Notebook 。


1 回答 1



您为 Q(λ) 实现的是 Watkins 的 Q(λ) 版本。在他的版本中,非贪婪行为的资格跟踪将为零,并且仅对贪婪行为进行备份。如资格迹线(p25)所述,Watkins 的 Q(λ) 的缺点是在早期学习中,资格迹线会经常被“切割”(归零),导致迹线的优势不大。也许这就是为什么您的 Q-learning 和 Q(λ)-learning 具有非常相似的性能的原因。


于 2018-08-28T12:56:23.960 回答