I've been killing myself for the past 2 days trying to do 2 things:

  1. Create an iframe with content from another domain that will auto resize to the length of the content in the iframe
  2. ~and most importantly~ Apply css styles to the content [from the external domain] in that iframe.

I've explored the jQuery stuff, and found no 'reliable' love, the 'frameReady()' plugin seems to have disappeared ... I'm not sure what to do - or even if this is the best way.

So; is there a better and more reliable way to get this accomplished? I have full access to the server so .htaccess/php/cgi - even including a conf for apache [linux!] is possible. One thing to note is that one of the frames is a booking system that needs to pass data back and forth. [well technically so is the other frame....]

-thanks -sean


2 回答 2


IFRAME 在技术上是另一个窗口,因此外部窗口的 CSS 不能应用于带框架的 HTML 文档中的 HTML。



我倾向于坚持使用 IFRAME 并致力于为预订系统贴上白标,以便在 IFRAME 内更好地呈现它。除非您不是说您可以完全访问预订系统的服务器,在这种情况下,如果预订系统没有为此提供专门的 API,您将会遇到困难。

您将不得不重写其内容并通过您的服务器传输交互性,就像代理一样,或者可能类似于 skyscanner.net 和混淆.com 所做的事情。

于 2011-01-26T22:46:16.427 回答

You might want to read this post and then check out Porthole.js:


Porthole: http://ternarylabs.github.com/porthole/

于 2011-10-17T20:05:28.010 回答