SELECT DISTINCT productsmap.id, attributes_product.waarde,
attributes_product.att_id, productsmap.name, productsmap.category
AS categoryId, brand.naam AS brand, productsmap.sku, categorie.name AS
category, productsmap.price, productsmap.shops
FROM productsmap
INNER JOIN categorie ON productsmap.category = categorie.id
INNER JOIN brand ON productsmap.brand = brand.id
INNER JOIN attributes_product ON productsmap.id = attributes_product.pmapid
WHERE productsmap.category
IN ( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 )
AND productsmap.shops >0
productsmap.price >= 3.94
AND productsmap.price <= 204.99
AND productsmap.online =1
LIMIT 0 , 30
(id) (waarde) (att_id) (name) (categoryId) (brand) (sku)
2 109 1 Name 4 Merk 70000
2 2013 2 Name etc etc etc
2 123 3 Name etc etc etc
3 103 1 Name2 etc etc
3 2012 2 Name2
3 123 3 Name2
4 110 1 3name
4 2013 2 3name
4 102 3 3name
Whit 多次使用相同的 id 和 name 不同的 att_id 和 waarde。但我需要添加到我的查询(attributes_product.att_id = 1 和 waarde = 109)和(attributes_product.att_id = 2 和 waarde = 2013)
它的 attributes.product 是 att_id 和 waarde