
有没有办法将 EFS 卷从 AWS 账户A挂载到 AWS 账户B中的 Windows EC2 实例?


2 回答 2


AWS EFS 现在支持此功能 - https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/11/amazon-efs-now-supports-access-across-accounts-and-vpcs/

于 2019-05-29T15:35:50.520 回答

Unfortunately you cannot.

From Authentication and Access Control for Amazon EFS

Cross-account administration – You can use an IAM role in your account to grant another AWS account permissions to administer your account’s Amazon EFS resources. For an example, see Tutorial: Delegate Access Across AWS Accounts Using IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Note that you can't mount Amazon EFS file systems from across VPCs or accounts. For more information, see Managing File System Network Accessibility

于 2017-12-13T18:39:52.763 回答