I'm making a tool that does some graphical editing to some bitmaps. I have some 8bppIndexed bitmaps with an existing color palette that I have to convert to 24bppRgb to allow me to draw on it and edit colors of pixels based on some options the user selected. Bitmap graphic is the original 8bpp .bmp file:
//Get Bitmap from file
Bitmap graphic = new Bitmap(source);
//Get palette and pixel format
ColorPalette pal = graphic.Palette;
PixelFormat pix = graphic.PixelFormat; //Format8bppIndexed
//Create datagraphic in 24bppRgb to allow for editing
PixelFormat datapix = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb;
Bitmap datagraphic = graphic.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, graphic.Width, graphic.Height), datapix);
After drawing and editing Bitmap datagraphic, I'm trying to convert it back to 8bppIndexed with the same color palette as Bitmap graphic. I can do that like this:
//Convert back to graphic pixel format
datagraphic = datagraphic.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, datagraphic.Width, datagraphic.Height), pix); //Format8bppIndexed
//Apply color palette
datagraphic.Palette = pal;
However, after cloning datagraphic with the same pixel format as graphic, it creates an entirely new color palette. The colors in datagraphic are then all incorrect after applying ColorPalette pal. They only match by their index number between the two palettes. Is there another way of doing this that preserves the colors?
And yes, the bitmaps need to be 8bppIndexed with the custom palette. I'm trying to avoid the need to go through Photoshop to change the color index of all the end result data graphics with the correct palette.
I should say that I'm still fairly new to C#. I hope I was clear as to what I'm trying to do. I appreciate any help here. Thanks in advance.