I have a single image that is displayed inside a scrollRect.. pivot is centered and the user is able to scale the image up and down using a slider.. then he/she is able to scroll drag the image around (with the scrollRect functionality) like for example a page in a book-app.. but when the user scales the image up and drags it around and then scales it back down again, the page shrinks at its own pivot point and sometimes gaps are visible on the sides depending on where the user has dragged the image.. When you start to drag the image again it snaps to the correct location but it doesn't look very polished when you force a user to "nudge" something before it snaps into place..

does anybody know of a way to invoke the "nudge" after scaling? Or force the ScrollRect to calculate the position of the image after scaling? I tried using math and pivot points but since the position alters with both scaling and dragging I can't hardcode a value to change pivot points (like f.e. if x < -50 and y < -50 then the pivot point should be top right) ..

The simplest solution would be to invoke that little nudge the user has to do now but I don't know how I have to go about doing it (just changing the transform.positon.x in code doesn't work, the scrollRect needs to update its content) or maybe I could reset the position of the anchor so it stays at the center of the parent..

I tried to clarify with some images: https://ibb.co/f7Oxk6


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