对于我正在构建的电子商务网站,对于每笔交易,90% 需要转到一个帐户,10% 需要转到另一个帐户。

看起来 Stripe 可以使用“Connect”的“Express”帐户处理此问题,但似乎这种帐户类型在美国以外不可用(我们位于香港)。

看起来 Paypal 也有“自适应支付”,可以达到同样的效果,但它说:

Important: Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal.


如果有任何不同,我将在商店中使用 Drupal。


1 回答 1


Since adaptive payment is a limited release product, you may want to look at Braintree Marketplace. Basically, it works just like adaptive payment where you can split the payment. For availability, you will need to contact their sales team. For more information, refer this Braintree Marketplace

于 2017-11-21T02:08:59.803 回答