VS2010 显示错误 C2440:'return' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'const char *&f3下面。char*为什么返回类型为 时不能返回 a const char*&

const char* const& f1()
    static char* x = new char[5]();
    return x;

char* const& f2()
    static char* x = new char[5]();
    return x;

const char* & f3()
    static char* x = new char[5]();
    return x;    // error C2440

char* & f4()
    static char* x = new char[5]();
    return x;

3 回答 3

于 2013-03-27T22:40:17.003 回答

出于同样的原因,您不能从char **to 转换const char **。否则你可以写

f3() = "hello";

随后对 f3 的调用将能够写入字符串文字的内存,别名为静态 local x

于 2013-03-27T21:51:43.290 回答
#include <iostream>
void problem( const char*& output, const char* input )
  output = input; // legal, const char*& = const char*

int main() {
  const char buff[] = "hello";
  char* out = nullptr;
  problem( const_cast<const char*&>(out), &buff[0] );
  out[0] = 'H'; // I just changed a const array's first character
  std::cout << &buff[0] << "\n";

这会打印“Hello”,这是我刚刚从事未定义行为的证据。为此,我必须使用const_cast. 如果你可以const char*&用 a来初始化 a char*,我就不必这样做const_cast来调用未定义的行为。

“但是”有人可能会说“这与 OP 发布的确切情况不符!”


// the "legal" way to do what the OP wants to do, but it leads to undefined
// behavior:
const char*& problem2( char*& c ) { return const_cast<const char*&>(c); }
void problem3( const char*& left, const char* right ) { left = right; }

#include <iostream>
int main() {
  char* c = nullptr;
  char const* buff = "hello undefined behavior";
  problem3( problem2(c), buff );
  c[0] = 'H';
  std::cout << buff << "\n";


“但是”,有人可能会说,“你把 achar*&变成了const char*&,而不是把 achar*变成了const char*&


void problem3( const char*& left, const char* right ) { left = right; }
const char*& problem4( char x = 0 ) {
  static char* bob = nullptr;
  if (bob && x)
    bob[0] = x;
  return const_cast<const char*&>(bob);
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  char const* buff = "hello problem";
  problem3( problem4(), buff );
  std::cout << buff << "\n";


于 2013-03-27T22:41:03.533 回答