This is posted here since this is Xbox specific, but I am also posting this onto the Unity forums.

When testing my Unity game on Xbox One I am getting a very large amount of visual "jitter" from the ball. This is a skeeball game where you control the movement of the ball. Essentially the core of the movement is similar to the Rollerball tutorials. On PC this works fine and there are no perceptible jitters. However, on Xbox, I am seeing this a lot more. The object is travelling large distances with the camera following smoothly behind. None of the other objects or scenery are affected, I actually think the camera itself is moving perfectly. But, the ball itself seems to glitch.

Changing my camera movement to LateUpdate seemed to minimize it the most on the PC, but that doesn't make sense to me since I am still not convinced the camera is the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps a quality setting isn't placing nice with the Xbox?

Thanks! Nick


2 回答 2


请记住,Xbox 上 CPU 的时钟速度可能比您的 PC 慢得多(尽管有更多内核)。

Unity 主要是单线程的,因此可以解释性能差异。以下是您可以尝试的一些事情: * 确保您在 Xbox 上运行“大师”版本。默认值为“调试”,速度明显较慢。*这可能与物理有关。

一旦你检查并确保你没有运行调试,下一步就是使用 Unity 分析器来查看你的帧时间花费在哪里,然后根据原因优化该部分。

以下是有关系统资源的更多信息: https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/xbox-apps/system-resource-allocation

这里还有一篇关于图形调试器的精彩文章: https ://tarhik.wordpress.com/2017/09/04/antimatter-instance-dev-log-entry-2-using-microsofts-graphic-debugger/

于 2017-09-05T13:50:09.960 回答

看起来将 RigidBody 切换为使用“Extrapolate”而不是“Interpolate”解决了我看到的问题。我不确定这是否适用于所有情况,但是对于关卡的规模和我的游戏的玩家物理来说,这似乎可以解决问题。

于 2017-09-26T04:26:14.440 回答