是否有 JavaScript 库或函数可以求解变量方程?
如9 = 3 + x
并求解 x。但它还应该解决更高级的方程,包括正弦、余弦和正切。
是否有 JavaScript 库或函数可以求解变量方程?
如9 = 3 + x
并求解 x。但它还应该解决更高级的方程,包括正弦、余弦和正切。
//solve linear equations
var x = nerdamer.solve('(x+1)*3=x-6', 'x');
var x2 = nerdamer.solve('x^2-8x+15', 'x');
//quadratic algebraically
var x3 = nerdamer.solve('x^2-ax+3*b', 'x');
//multiple roots
var x4 = nerdamer.solve('x^6+41*x^5+652*x^4+5102*x^3+20581*x^2+40361*x+30030', 'x');
//functions - numerically around to zero up to a predefined range
var x5 = nerdamer.solve('cos(x)^2+sin(x-1)', 'x');
//solve a system of linear equations
var x6 = nerdamer.solveEquations(['2x+y=7', 'x-y+3z=11', 'y-z=-1']);
//solve a system of nonlinear equations
var x7 = nerdamer.solveEquations(['3*x^2/y=2', 'z*x*y-1=35', '5*z^2+7=52']);
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nerdamer@latest/nerdamer.core.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nerdamer@latest/Algebra.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nerdamer@latest/Calculus.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nerdamer@latest/Solve.js"></script>
您可以通过执行 excel 所谓的“目标搜索”来近似x
解 - 测试值直到等式两边大致匹配。您可以通过将等式除以"="
的 eval
快速搜索出现algebra.js和js-solver。我对他们一无所知,但他们似乎是合法的。algebra.js 有一个不错的 OOP API,但似乎不能处理三角函数。
查看牛顿方法程序中 f(x)=0的脚本。它使用牛顿切线法求解方程。
Ceres.js可以找到 f(x) = 0 形式的方程数组的解。它通过 Emscripten 从 C++ 移植到 JavaScript。该文件有点大,但如果您需要一个真正高性能的求解器,这是您最好的选择。它在网络组装中运行,因此速度很高。这是一个例子:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<h2>Powell Function</h2>
<p>This is an example of the solution of the powell function using Ceres.js</p>
<textarea id="demo" rows="40" cols="170">
<script type="module">
import {Ceres} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Pterodactylus/Ceres.js@master/Ceres-v1.5.3.js'
var fn1 = function f1(x){
return (x[0]+10*x[1]);
var fn2 = function f2(x){
return (Math.sqrt(5)*(x[2]-x[3]));
var fn3 = function f3(x){
return Math.pow(x[1]-2*x[2],2);
var fn4 = function f4(x){
return Math.sqrt(10)*Math.pow(x[0]-x[3],2);
let solver = new Ceres()
solver.add_function(fn1) //Add the first equation to the solver.
solver.add_function(fn2) //Add the second equation to the solver.
solver.add_function(fn3) //Add the third equation to the solver.
solver.add_function(fn4) //Add the forth equation to the solver.
//solver.add_callback(c1) //Add the callback to the solver.
//solver.add_lowerbound(0,1.6) //Add a lower bound to the x[0] variable
//solver.add_upperbound(1,1.7) //Add a upper bound to the x[1] variable
solver.promise.then(function(result) {
var x_guess = [1,2,3,4] //Guess the initial values of the solution.
var s = solver.solve(x_guess) //Solve the equation
var x = s.x //assign the calculated solution array to the variable x
document.getElementById("demo").value = s.report //Print solver report
solver.remove() //required to free the memory in C++