I am attempting to used the ufixed datatype and add 2 ufixed values together, I have calculated I should have enough bits to store the result and the output should be able to be stored in the signal, but when I attempt to perform it I get a bound check failure. Can someone tell me why I am getting this?
The important parts of the code are:
-- definition of parameters used in the failing calculation
input : in ufixed(0 downto -15); -- Q1.15
constant VectorLength : integer := 3;
type vector_ufixed is array(0 to VectorLength-1) of ufixed(1 downto -14);
constant InnerProductArray : vector_ufixed := (to_ufixed(1.2,1,-14), to_ufixed(1.0,1,-14), to_ufixed(0.2,1,-14));
signal InnerProductResult : ufixed(4 downto -29); -- Q5.29
signal counter : integer := 0;
write(l, real'image(to_real(InnerProductResult)));
write(l, string'(", "));
write(l, real'image(to_real(InnerProductResult + input*InnerProductArray(counter))));
writeline(output, l);
InnerProductResult <= InnerProductResult +
When I simulate this with ghdl I get the following result:
0.0, 6.00006103515625e-1
ghdl:error: bound check failure at InnerProduct.vhd:55
from: process work.innerproduct(innerproductarchitecture).P0 at InnerProduct.vhd:55
ghdl:error: simulation failed
line 55 in this case is the line
InnerProductResult <= InnerProductResult + input*InnerProductArray(counter);
input takes the value 0.5, as can be observed from the resulting value of 6.00006103515625e-1 when input is multiplied by 1.2.
The value 6.00006103515625e^-1*2^29 is 322125824 as well which is an integer less than 2^34 so it should fit fine, I don't understand why this might be?