Gonzalez, MC, Hidalgo, CA, & Barabasi, AL (2008)。了解个人的人类流动模式。自然,453(7196),779-782。
以下代码可用于读取数据并计算 P(rg):
import numpy as np
# read radius of gyration from file
rg = []
with open('/path-to-the-data/radius of gyrations.txt', 'r') as f:
for i in f:
# calculate P(rg)
rg = sorted(rg, reverse=True)
rg = np.array(rg)
prg = np.arange(len(sorted_data)) / float(len(sorted_data)-1)
或者您可以直接获取 rg 和 prg 数据,如下所示:
rg = np.array([ 20.7863444 , 9.40547933, 8.70934714, 8.62690145,
7.16978087, 7.02575052, 6.45280959, 6.44755478,
5.16630287, 5.16092884, 5.15618737, 5.05610068,
4.87023561, 4.66753197, 4.41807645, 4.2635671 ,
3.54454372, 2.7087178 , 2.39016885, 1.9483156 ,
1.78393238, 1.75432688, 1.12789787, 1.02098332,
0.92653501, 0.32586582, 0.1514813 , 0.09722761,
0. , 0. ])
prg = np.array([ 0. , 0.03448276, 0.06896552, 0.10344828, 0.13793103,
0.17241379, 0.20689655, 0.24137931, 0.27586207, 0.31034483,
0.34482759, 0.37931034, 0.4137931 , 0.44827586, 0.48275862,
0.51724138, 0.55172414, 0.5862069 , 0.62068966, 0.65517241,
0.68965517, 0.72413793, 0.75862069, 0.79310345, 0.82758621,
0.86206897, 0.89655172, 0.93103448, 0.96551724, 1. ])
我可以使用以下 python 脚本绘制 P(r_g) 和 r_g:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(rg, prg, 'bs', alpha = 0.3)
# roughly estimated params:
# rg0=1.8, beta=0.15, K=5
plt.plot(rg, (rg+1.8)**-.15*np.exp(-rg/5))
plt.xlabel('$r_g$', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('$P(r_g)$', fontsize = 20)
如何使用 rgs 的这些数据来估计上面的三个参数?我希望使用python解决它。