I bought a NitroKey HSM and manged to create an EC on it.

Now I want to derive a shared secret.
I found Pkcs11Interop, which seems to be the right tool for the job, but the handling is unclear.

A code snipplet or link to a working project would be very appreciated.


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您可以查看使用 Pkcs11Interop 库的真实示例的Pkcs11Admin应用程序。

据我记得 NitroKey HSM 应该与OpenSC 中间件一起使用,因此您实现 PKCS#11 API 的非托管库将是opensc-pkcs11.dll.


  1. Pkcs11Interop 入门
  2. Pkcs11Interop 代码示例,其中还包含密钥派生示例
  3. PKCS#11 规范
于 2017-02-10T15:37:43.510 回答