<button data-bind="click: function() { $parent.methodThatNeedsAccesToTheParentViewModel() }">Edit</button>
这样,当绑定被激活时,它将使用 $parent 作为调用的上下文 - 即this
但这里有一个问题,因为原型 javascript 中的this关键字不受函数所有者的约束(即它被定义的地方),而是在这种情况下被调用的方式(如mozilla 文档中更好地解释)淘汰调用该函数不是通过拥有它的对象(这将正确绑定this运算符),而是将其显式绑定到其当前绑定上下文(因为它不可能知道该函数最初是哪个实例)。您可以通过获取对您的函数的引用然后在调用时将其绑定到另一个对象来复制此行为 - 例如:
A = function() {
this.name = "foo";
A.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; };
a = new A();
console.log(a.getName()); // should log "foo" as expected
f = a.getName; // now f contains a reference to the function
console.log(f()); // this call the function in the current scope - most likely the window, and return nothing
b = new Object(); // another generic object - suppose this is knockout binding context
console.log(f.call(b)); // this bind the call explicitly to b, but since b has no name property, nothing is returned again
console.log(f.call(a)); // this time we bind the function call to an object that has a name proerty, so the correct value is returned
我希望这会有所帮助... :)