我试图做(hxr99.blogspot.nl/2013/03/qt-vtk-displaying-dicom-series-using.html)但Qt抛出错误: error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'vtkgdcm.lib' 我在这里为Windows做了一切。我检查了 GDCM_USE_VTK 和 GDCM_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS 然后生成但是当我在 VS 2008 中打开项目时没有项目 vtkgdcm。我能怎么做 :

The project vtkgdcm uses VTK, thus at link stage, it links vtkgdcm-debug.dll against some vtk***.dll files. Unfortunately, it doesn't take the input debug version of that VTK dlls. You will have then to provide the good version of the VTK input dll files.

什么时候没有 vtkgdcm 项目?

这是在 vs: #image中打开解决方案之后



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