据我了解,当strict mode
在 ECMAScript 5(又名 ES5)中初始化使用引用时,它是引用设置为 true 的属性。设置时strict mode
关键字的变量)。有关更多信息,请参阅MDN 文档strict mode
[编辑]基于评论,我认为它适用于strict mode
function strict()
{ 'use strict';
// from here on and within the function
// IsStrictReference is true
showme = "Am I defined?";
return "Hi! I'm a strict mode function! " + showme;
function nonstrict()
// IsStrictReference is ... well, undefined I suppose, or false by default
showme2 = "Am I defined?";
return "Hi! I'm NOT a strict mode function! " + showme2;
strict(); //=> ReferenceError: showme is not defined
notstrict(); //=> "Hi! I'm NOT a strict mode function! Am I defined?"
执行 strict()
没有。如果您将 - 语句放置use strict