我不会完全准确地回答您的问题,而是更一般的问题,即在 R 中,我将如何检验两组之间斜率差异的假设,其中响应变量中疑似不等方差。
如果我们准备假设两个性别组的方差相同,我们只需使用普通最小二乘法将我们的两个模型拟合到组合数据并使用经典 F 检验:
Data <- data.frame(
gender = sample (c("men", "women"), 2000, replace = TRUE),
var1 = sample (c("value1", "value2"), 2000, replace = TRUE),
var2 = sample (c("valueA", "valueB"), 2000, replace = TRUE),
var3 = sample (c("valueY", "valueZ"), 2000, replace = TRUE),
y = sample(0:10, 2000, replace = TRUE)
lm_full <- lm(y ~ (var1 + var2 + var3) * gender, data = Data)
lm_nointeraction <- lm(y ~ var1 + var2 + var3 + gender, data = Data)
# If the variance were equal we could just do an F-test:
anova(lm_full, lm_nointeraction)
选项 1 - 加权最小二乘
我不确定这是否与 Welch 的 t 检验相同;我怀疑这是对它的更高层次的概括。这是解决问题的一种非常简单的参数化方法。基本上,我们只是将响应的方差与平均值同时建模。然后在拟合过程(变得迭代)中,我们对预期具有更高方差即更多随机性的点给予较少的权重。包中的gls
函数 - 广义最小二乘法 -nlme
# Option 1 - modelling variance, and making weights inversely proportional to it
gls_full <- gls(y ~ (var1 + var2 + var3) * gender, data = Data, weights = varPower())
gls_nointeraction <- gls(y ~ var1 + var2 + var3 + gender, data = Data, weights = varPower())
# test the two models against eachother (preferred):
AIC(gls_full, gls_nointeraction) # lower value wins
# or test individual interactions:
选项 2 - 稳健回归,通过 bootstrap 进行比较
第二种选择是使用 M 估计,它被设计为对数据内组中的不等方差具有鲁棒性。比较两个模型的稳健回归的良好做法是选择某种验证统计量并使用引导程序来查看平均而言哪个模型在该统计量上表现更好。
# Option 2 - use robust regression and the bootstrap
rlm_full <- rlm(y ~ (var1 + var2 + var3) * gender, data = Data)
rlm_nointeraction <- rlm(y ~ var1 + var2 + var3 + gender, data = Data)
# Could just test to see which one fits best (lower value wins)
AIC(rlm_full, rlm_nointeraction)
# or - preferred - use the bootstrap to validate each model and pick the best one.
# First we need a function to give us a performance statistic on how good
# a model is at predicting values compared to actuality. Let's use root
# mean squared error:
RMSE <- function(predicted, actual){
sqrt(mean((actual - predicted) ^ 2))
# This function takes a dataset full_data, "scrambled" by the resampling vector i.
# It fits the model to the resampled/scrambled version of the data, and uses this
# to predict the values of y in the full original unscrambled dataset. This is
# described as the "simple bootstrap" in Harrell *Regression Modeling Strategies*,
# buiolding on Efron and Tibshirani.
simple_bootstrap <- function(full_data, i){
sampled_data <- full_data[i, ]
rlm_full <- rlm(y ~ (var1 + var2 + var3) * gender, data = sampled_data)
rlm_nointeraction <- rlm(y ~ var1 + var2 + var3 + gender, data = sampled_data)
pred_full <- predict(rlm_full, newdata = full_data)
pred_nointeraction <- predict(rlm_nointeraction, newdata = full_data)
rmse_full <- RMSE(pred_full, full_data$y)
rmse_nointeraction <- RMSE(pred_nointeraction, full_data$y)
return(rmse_full - rmse_nointeraction)
rlm_boot <- boot(Data, statistic = simple_bootstrap, R = 500, strata = Data$gender)
# Confidence interval for the improvement from the full model, compared to the one with no interaction:
boot.ci(rlm_boot, type = "perc")
。bootstrap 更加健壮,并且使许多用于处理特定情况的旧命名统计测试变得多余。