由于 chux 已经回答了您的问题并且您接受了他的回答,因此这里有另一种方法可以从数学和编程的角度来看待它。这可以应用于任何三个不同的相对点。
数学- 这将在 2D 空间中完成,但可以应用于任何维度空间。
- 点数将由小写字母捐赠,向量为大写字母。
- 点积将表示为
- 矢量的长度与其大小相同。
- 点将与其轴分量 (x,y) 一起显示
- 向量将与其向量分量 (i,j) 一起显示
- Theta 将是两个向量之间的角度,Phi 将是外角
> **抽象** - 向量的规则和方程 > 我们有三个点 `a(x,y)`、`b(x,y)` 和 `c(x,y)` > 从这些我们可以构造两个向量 `A` & `B` > `A = ca` 和 `B = cb` > `A = ` > `B = ` > 现在我们已经定义了两个向量 `A` 和 `B` 让我们找到 `Theta` . > 为了找到它们之间的 `cos(angle)`,我们需要知道 > `A` 和 `B` 的大小以及它们之间的 `Dot Product`。
向量sqrt( (i^2) + (j^2) )
Dot Product
是A*B = (Ai x Bi) + (Aj x Bj)
Cos(Angle) = (A*B) / (magA * magB)
Theta = acos( Cos(Angle) )
Phi = 360 - Theta
证明- 一个例子,点是a(5,7)
, b(3,5)
A = < 5-5, 7-3 > = < 0, 4 >
B = < 3-5, 5-3 > = < -2, 2 >
magA = sqrt( 0^2 + 4^2 ) = 4
magB = sqrt( (-2)^2 + 2^2 ) = 2sqrt(2)
cosAngle = A*B / (magA * magB)
cosAngle = (0*-2 + 4*2) = 8 / ( 4 x 2sqrt(2) ) = 0.7071067812
Theta = acos( cosAngle ) = 45 degrees
Phi = 360 - 45 = 315
是clockwise angle
笔记- 这只会找到两个向量之间的角度 Theta 并从 360 中减去 Theta 以找到 Phi 将为您提供这两个向量周围的外角。这并不包含或暗示角度本身的任何旋转方向。这不区分顺时针或逆时针。用户必须自己计算。这只是使用 3 个点或 2 个向量的基本属性和操作来找到它们之间的角度,这只是整个问题的一个步骤。如果参考上面的证明,内角是45度,外角是315度;如果将点 b 更改为 (7,5) 而不是点 b 在矢量 A 上反射,则输出将是完全相同的值:两个矢量之间的角度为 45 度,外角为 315。这不知道你在哪个方向旋转;除非您考虑使用和携带余弦函数的符号,如果它是 - 或 +,那么它可能会有所不同,但记住 Trig cosine 在不同的象限中也是 + 和 - 。
编程 - C++
#include <iostream>
#include "Vector2.h"
int main() {
// We can assume that points and vectors are similar except that points
// Don't have a direction where vectors do.
Vector2 pointA( 5, 7 );
Vector2 pointB( 3, 5 );
Vector2 pointC( 5, 3 );
Vector2 vec1 = pointA - pointC;
Vector2 vec2 = pointB - pointC;
// This is the actual angle
float ThetaA = vec1.getAngle( vec2, false, false );
// Other Option
float ThetaB = vec1.getCosAngle( vec2, false );
ThetaB = acos( ThetaB );
ThetaB = Math::radian2Degree( ThetaB );
// Same as other option above which this is already being done in getAngle()
float ThetaC = Math::radian2Degree( acos( vec1.getCosAngle( vec2, false ) ) );
std::cout << "ThetaA = " << ThetaA << std::endl;
std::cout << "ThetaB = " << ThetaB << std::endl;
std::cout << "ThetaC = " << ThetaC << std::endl;
float Phi = 360.0f - ThetaA;
std::cout << "Phi = " << Phi << std::endl;
return 0;
ThetaA = 45
ThetaB = 45
ThetaC = 45
Phi = 315
#include <iostream>
#include "Vector2.h"
int main() {
Vector2 pointA( 5, 7 );
Vector2 pointB( 3, 5 );
Vector2 pointC( 5, 3 );
Vector2 vec1 = pointA - pointC;
Vector2 vec2 = pointB - pointC;
float angle = vec1.getAngle( vec2, false, false );
float clockwiseAngle = 360 - angle;
std::cout << "Theta " << angle << std::endl;
std::cout << "Phi " << clockwiwseAngle << std::endl;
return 0;
Theta = 45
Phi = 315
这就是你如何从左边第一个图中的 3 个点找到顺时针角度的方法。至于右边的图表,只需找到角度,不要从 360 中减去它。使用的类如下。
#ifndef VECTOR2_H
#define VECTOR2_H
#include "GeneralMath.h"
class Vector2 {
union {
float m_f2[2];
struct {
float m_fX;
float m_fY;
// Constructors
inline Vector2();
inline Vector2( float x, float y );
inline Vector2( float *pfv );
// Destructor
// Operators
inline Vector2 operator+( const Vector2 &v2 ) const;
inline Vector2 operator+() const;
inline Vector2& operator+=( const Vector2 &v2 );
inline Vector2 operator-( const Vector2 &v2 ) const;
inline Vector2 operator-() const;
inline Vector2& operator-=( const Vector2 &v2 );
inline Vector2 operator*( const float &fValue ) const;
inline Vector2& operator*=( const float &fValue );
inline Vector2 operator/( const float &fValue ) const;
inline Vector2& operator/=( const float &fValue );
// Functions
inline void normalize();
inline void zero();
inline bool isZero() const;
inline float dot( const Vector2 v2 ) const;
inline float length2() const;
inline float length() const;
inline float getCosAngle( const Vector2 &v2, const bool bNormalized = false );
inline float getAngle( const Vector2 &v2, const bool bNormalized = false, bool bRadians = true );
// Pre Multiple Vector By A Scalar
inline friend Vector2 Vector2::operator*( const float &fValue, const Vector2 v2 ) {
return Vector2( fValue*v2.m_fX, fValue*v2.m_fY );
} // operator*
// Pre Divide Vector By A Scalar
inline friend Vector2 Vector2::operator/( const float &fValue, const Vector2 v2 ) {
Vector2 vec2;
if ( Math::isZero( v2.m_fX ) ) {
vec2.m_fX = 0.0f;
} else {
vec2.m_fX = fValue / v2.m_fX;
if ( Math::isZero( v2.m_fY ) ) {
vec2.m_fY = 0.0f;
} else {
vec2.m_fY = fValue / v2.m_fY;
return vec2;
} // operator/
}; // Vector2
inline Vector2::Vector2() : m_fX( 0.0f ), m_fY( 0.0f ) {
} // Vector2
inline Vector2::Vector2( float x, float y ) : m_fX( x ), m_fY( y ) {
} // Vector2
inline Vector2::Vector2( float *pfv ) {
m_fX = pfv[0];
m_fY = pfv[1];
} // Vector2
// Unary + Operator
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator+() const {
return *this;
} // operator+
// Binary + Take This Vector And Add Another Vector To It
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator+( const Vector2 &v2 ) const {
return Vector2( m_fX + v2.m_fX, m_fY + v2.m_fY );
} // operator+
// Add Two Vectors Together
inline Vector2 &Vector2::operator+=( const Vector2 &v2 ) {
m_fX += v2.m_fX;
m_fY += v2.m_fY;
return *this;
} // operator+=
// Unary - Operator: Negate Each Value
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator-() const {
return Vector2( -m_fX, -m_fY );
} // operator-
// Unary - Take This Vector And Subtract Another Vector From It
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator-( const Vector2 &v2 ) const {
return Vector2( m_fX - v2.m_fX, m_fY - v2.m_fY );
} // operator-
// Subtract Two Vectors From Each Other
inline Vector2 &Vector2::operator-=( const Vector2 &v2 ) {
m_fX -= v2.m_fX;
m_fY -= v2.m_fY;
return *this;
} // operator-=
// Post Multiply Vector By A Scalar
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator*( const float &fValue ) const {
return Vector2( m_fX * fValue, m_fY * fValue );
} // operator*
// Multiply This Vector By A Scalar
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator*=( const float &fValue ) {
m_fX *= fValue;
m_fY *= fValue;
return *this;
} // operator*
// Post Divide Vector By A Scalar
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator/( const float &fValue ) const {
Vector2 vec2;
if ( Math::isZero( fValue ) ) {
vec2.m_fX = 0.0f;
vec2.m_fY = 0.0f;
} else {
float fValue_Inv = 1/fValue;
vec2.m_fX = vec2.m_fX * fValue_Inv;
vec2.m_fY = vec2.m_fY * fValue_Inv;
return vec2;
} // operator/
// Divide This Vector By A Scalar Value
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator/=( const float &fValue ) {
if ( Math::isZero( fValue ) ) {
m_fX = 0.0f;
m_fY = 0.0f;
} else {
float fValue_Inv = 1/fValue;
m_fX *= fValue_Inv;
m_fY *= fValue_Inv;
return *this;
} // operator/=
// Make The Length Of This Vector Equal To One
inline void Vector2::normalize() {
float fMag;
fMag = sqrt( m_fX * m_fX + m_fY * m_fY );
if ( fMag <= Math::ZERO ) {
m_fX = 0.0f;
m_fY = 0.0f;
fMag = 1/fMag;
m_fX *= fMag;
m_fY *= fMag;
} // normalize
// Return True if Vector Is ( 0, 0 )
inline bool Vector2::isZero() const {
if ( Math::isZero( m_fX ) && Math::isZero( m_fY ) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // isZero
// Set Vector To ( 0, 0 )
inline void Vector2::zero() {
m_fX = 0.0f;
m_fY = 0.0f;
} // zero
// Return The Length Of This Vector
inline float Vector2::length() const {
return sqrtf( m_fX * m_fX + m_fY * m_fY );
} // length
// Return The Length Of This Vector
inline float Vector2::length2() const {
return ( m_fX * m_fX + m_fY * m_fY );
} // length2
// Return The Dot Product Between THIS Vector And Another Vector
inline float Vector2::dot( const Vector2 v2 ) const {
return ( m_fX * v2.m_fX + m_fY * v2.m_fY );
} // dot
// Returns The cos(Angle) Value Between THIS Vector And Vector v2.
// This Is Less Expensive Than Using GetAngle()
inline float Vector2::getCosAngle( const Vector2 &v2, const bool bNormalized ) {
// A . B = |A||B|cos(angle)
// -> cos-1((A.B)/(|A||B|))
float fMagA = length();
if ( fMagA <= Math::ZERO ) {
// This (A) Is An Invalid Vector
return 0;
float fValue = 0.0f;
if ( bNormalized ) {
// v2 Already Normalized
fValue = dot(v2) / fMagA;
} else {
// v2 Not Normalized
float fMagB = v2.length();
if ( fMagB <= Math::ZERO ) {
// B Is An Invalid Vector
return 0;
fValue = dot(v2) / ( fMagA * fMagB );
// Correct Value Due To Rounding Problems
Math::constrain( -1.0f, 1.0f, fValue );
return fValue;
} // getCosAngle
// Returns The Angle Between THIS Vector And Vector v2 In RADIANS
inline float Vector2::getAngle( const Vector2 &v2, const bool bNormalized, bool bRadians ) {
// A . B = |A||B|cos(angle)
// -> cos-1((A.B)/(|A||B|))
if ( bRadians ) {
return acos( getCosAngle( v2, bNormalized ) );
} else {
// Convert To Degrees
return Math::radian2Degree( acos( getCosAngle( v2, bNormalized ) ) );
} // GetAngle
#endif // VECTOR2_H
#include <math.h>
class Math {
static const float PI;
static const float PI_HALVES;
static const float PI_THIRDS;
static const float PI_FOURTHS;
static const float PI_SIXTHS;
static const float PI_2;
static const float PI_INVx180;
static const float PI_DIV180;
static const float PI_INV;
static const float ZERO;
inline static bool isZero( float fValue );
inline static float sign( float fValue );
inline static int randomRange( int iMin, int iMax );
inline static float randomRange( float fMin, float fMax );
inline static float degree2Radian( float fDegrees );
inline static float radian2Degree( float fRadians );
inline static float correctAngle( float fAngle, bool bDegrees, float fAngleStart = 0.0f );
inline static float mapValue( float fMinY, float fMaxY, float fMinX, float fMaxX, float fValueX );
template<class T>
inline static void constrain( T min, T max, T &value );
template<class T>
inline static void swap( T &value1, T &value2 );
}; // Math
// Convert Angle In Degrees To Radians
inline float Math::degree2Radian( float fDegrees ) {
return fDegrees * PI_DIV180;
} // degree2Radian
// Convert Angle In Radians To Degrees
inline float Math::radian2Degree( float fRadians ) {
return fRadians * PI_INVx180;
} // radian2Degree
// Returns An Angle Value That Is Alway Between fAngleStart And fAngleStart + 360
// If Radians Are Used, Then Range Is fAngleStart To fAngleStart + 2PI
inline float Math::correctAngle( float fAngle, bool bDegrees, float fAngleStart ) {
if ( bDegrees ) {
// Using Degrees
if ( fAngle < fAngleStart ) {
while ( fAngle < fAngleStart ) {
fAngle += 360.0f;
} else if ( fAngle >= (fAngleStart + 360.0f) ) {
while ( fAngle >= (fAngleStart + 360.0f) ) {
fAngle -= 360.0f;
return fAngle;
} else {
// Using Radians
if ( fAngle < fAngleStart ) {
while ( fAngle < fAngleStart ) {
fAngle += Math::PI_2;
} else if ( fAngle >= (fAngleStart + Math::PI_2) ) {
while ( fAngle >= (fAngleStart + Math::PI_2) ) {
fAngle -= Math::PI_2;
return fAngle;
} // correctAngle
// Tests If Input Value Is Close To Zero
inline bool Math::isZero( float fValue ) {
if ( (fValue > -ZERO) && (fValue < ZERO) ) {
return true;
return false;
} // isZero
// Returns 1 If Value Is Positive, -1 If Value Is Negative Or 0 Otherwise
inline float Math::Sign( float fValue ) {
if ( fValue > 0 ) {
return 1.0f;
} else if ( fValue < 0 ) {
return -1.0f;
return 0;
} // sign
// Return A Random Number Between iMin And iMax Where iMin < iMax
inline int Math::randomRange( int iMin, int iMax ) {
if ( iMax < iMin ) {
swap( iMax, iMin );
return (iMin + ((iMax - iMin +1) * rand()) / (RAND_MAX+1) );
} // randomRange
// Return A Random Number Between fMin And fMax Where fMin < fMax
inline float Math::randomRange( float fMin, float fMax ) {
if ( fMax < fMin ) {
swap( fMax, fMin );
return (fMin + (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*(fMax-fMin));
} // randomRange
// Returns The fValueY That Corresponds To A Point On The Line Going From Min To Max
inline float Math::mapValue( float fMinY, float fMaxY, float fMinX, float fMaxX, float fValueX ) {
if ( fValueX >= fMaxX ) {
return fMaxY;
} else if ( fValueX <= fMinX ) {
return fMinY;
} else {
float fM = (fMaxY - fMinY) / (fMaxX - fMinX);
float fB = fMaxY - fM * fMaxX;
return (fM*fValueX + fB);
} // mapValue
// Constrain a Value To Be Between T min & T max
template<class T>
inline void Math::constrain( T min, T max, T &value ) {
if ( value < min ) {
value = min;
if ( value > max ) {
value = max;
} // constrain
// Swap Two Values
template<class T>
inline void Math::Swap( T &value1, T &value2 ) {
T temp;
temp = value1;
value1 = value2;
value2 = temp;
} // swap
#include "GeneralMath.h"
const float Math::PI = 4.0f * atan(1.0f); // tan(pi/4) = 1 or acos(-1)
const float Math::PI_HALVES = 0.50f * Math::PI;
const float Math::PI_THIRDS = Math::PI * 0.3333333333333f;
const float Math::PI_FOURTHS = 0.25f * Math::PI;
const float Math::PI_SIXTHS = Math::PI * 0.6666666666667f;
const float Math::PI_2 = 2.00f * Math::PI;
const float Math::PI_DIV180 = Math::PI / 180.0f;
const float Math::PI_INVx180 = 180.0f / Math::PI;
const float Math::PI_INV = 1.0f / Math::PI;
const float Math::ZERO = (float)1e-7;
Math::Math() {
} // Math