interface RecurringPaymentGateway
* save subscription information to database
* @param Subscription $subscription
* @return bool returns true on success, false on failure
public function saveToDb(Subscription $subscription);
* create new subscription
* @param Subscription $subscription
* @return string|bool returns gateway id on success, false on failure
public function createSubscription(Subscription $subscription);
* update existing subscription
* @param Subscription $subscription
* @param Subscription $existingSubscription
* @return mixed returns true on success, false on failure
public function updateSubscription(Subscription $subscription, Subscription $existingSubscription);
* update only payment method for an existing subscription
* @param Subscription $subscription
* @return bool returns true on success, false on failure
public function updateSubscriptionPayment(Subscription $subscription);
* cancel existing subscription
* @param Subscription $subscription
* @return bool returns true on success, false on failure
public function cancelSubscription(Subscription $subscription);
* handles an recurring payment pingback
* @param array $data POST data from webhook / silent post
* @return PaymentResponse
public function handleRecurringPayment($data = array());
我能够完成除 handleRecurringPayment 功能之外的所有其他功能,该功能应该在处理每次定期付款时从 Eway 获得静默帖子并获得状态,如失败或成功,以便我可以更新我们这边的信息。
现在,我已经用 Stripe API 完成了这个,见下文,因为他们的API 文档中的事件对象非常清楚,你也可以在下面看到我的代码:
public function handleRecurringPayment($data = array())
$response = new PaymentResponse();
// validate the incoming event
$event = StripeEvent::retrieve($data['id']);
// failed to validate event, ignore event
if ($event === false) {
return $response;
$event_type = $event->type;
if ($event_type != 'invoice.payment_succeeded' && $event_type != 'invoice.payment_failed') {
// those are the only 2 events that we are interested in, other events can be ignored
return $response;
/** @var Subscription $subscription */
$subscriptionId = $event->data->object->subscription;
$subscription = $this->getSubscriptionFromId($subscriptionId);
// subscription doesn't exist in database, ignore this event
if ($subscription === false || $subscription->id <= 0) {
return $response;
if ($event_type == 'invoice.payment_failed') {
* payment error
$chargeId = $event->data->object->charge;
$charge = Charge::retrieve($chargeId);
$errorMessage = $charge->failure_message;
// need to return a response object
$subscription->error = true;
$subscription->errorMessage = $errorMessage;
// next payment attempt
$nextAttempt = $event->data->object->next_payment_attempt;
if ((int)$nextAttempt > 0) {
$nextAttemptDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', (int)$nextAttempt);
$subscription->nextPayment = $nextAttemptDate;
return $response;
if ($event_type == 'customer.subscription.deleted') {
* subscription cancelled
$subscription->enabled = false;
return $response;
// get stripe subscription
$customer = StripeCustomer::retrieve($event->data->object->customer);
$stripeSubscription = $customer->subscriptions->retrieve($event->data->object->subscription);
// update next payment date
$nextPayment = $stripeSubscription->current_period_end;
if ((int)$nextPayment > 0) {
$nextPaymentDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', (int)$nextPayment);
$subscription->nextPayment = $nextPaymentDate;
// check subscription status
if ($stripeSubscription->status == 'trialing') {
return $response;
// update previous payment date to now
$subscription->prevPayment = new \DateTime();
$subscription->error = false;
$subscription->errorMessage = '';
return $response;
浏览网站后,除了这篇文章外,我没有发现任何与我要查找的内容相关的问题,在那篇文章中我不太明白“您可以将用户的卡详细信息作为代币存储在 eWAY 中,然后在您的应用程序。”,我认为该帖子中的链接也已损坏。
根据我对流程的理解:首先在 Eway 上创建代币客户 -> 使用该代币客户创建重新计费客户 -> 使用重新计费客户创建重新计费事件。
我试过给他们发邮件,他们说如果你不在澳大利亚,我们就帮不了你。现在我真的不知道从哪里开始。也许 Eway 只是没有针对每次定期付款的静默帖子或通知?或者我在构建一个重复的 biling 事件时错过了什么?
由于重复计费方法只允许在 SOAP 中,我的代码真的很长,所以我没有附加其他功能的代码。抱歉,我对支付网关和 PHP 很陌生。