目前,我正在研究 CEO 离开公司的可能性(如果离开,二元变量 =“1”)。我的数据是 2013-2015 年期间 50 家公司和 51 个人的不平衡面板数据。
pdata <- plm.data(ceodata, index=c("id","year"))
fixed <- glmmboot(left ~ age+tenure+boardappr+ROE,
family=binomial(link="logit"), data=pdata, cluster=id)
Warning messages:
1: In model.response(mf, "numeric") : using type = "numeric" with a factor response will be ignored
2: In glmmbootFit(X, Y, weights, start.coef, cluster, offset, family, :[glmmboot:] Information non-positive definite. No variance!
3: In Ops.factor(Y, res$fitted) : ‘/’ not meaningful for factors
4: In Ops.factor(Y, log(ifelse(Y == 0, 1, Y/res$fitted))) ‘*’ not meaningful for factors
5: In Ops.factor(1, Y) : ‘-’ not meaningful for factors
6: In Ops.factor(1, Y) : ‘-’ not meaningful for factors
当我更改变量集时,我会得到相同的警告和毫无意义的回归结果。我想知道是我做错了什么还是我使用的数据有问题?也许,有人可以共享代码来运行固定和随机效应模型以及逻辑回归的 Hausman 检验?