我已经阅读了一些内容,但似乎无法理解在我的 VB2010 项目中克隆 List(of class) 的最佳方法是什么。我有三个像这样相关的类
Public Class City
'here are many fields of type string and integer
Public Roads As New List(Of Road)
End Class
Public Class Road
'here are many fields of type string and integer
Public Hazards As New List(Of Hazard)
End Class
Public Class Hazard
Implements ICloneable
'here are many fields of type string and integer and double
Public Function Clone() As Object Implements System.ICloneable.Clone
Return Me.MemberwiseClone
End Function
End Class
Dim rd As New Road
'add road fields
dim hz1 as New Hazard
'add hazard fields
dim hz2 as New Hazard
'add hazard fields
'add the hazard objects to the road
'add the road to the city
'here I want to start a new road based on the old road
Dim rdNew As New Road
'copy or clone the hazards from old road
rdNew.Hazards = rd.Hazards '<============
'over-write some of the hazard fields
rdNew.Hazards(0).Description = "temp"
所以我知道复制一个类将复制指针而不是内容。我在危险类中使用了 ICloneable 接口,但不能说我使用正确。Hazards 变量是 Hazard 类别的列表。我将如何克隆该课程?