我有两个具有不同基线的立体声对。一个为 150 毫米,另一个为 500 毫米。我需要找出两种设置的工作范围(以米为单位)。
我使用三角测量从视差图中生成 3D 点。我已经知道,使用较短的基线设置可以在近距离提供更好的深度精度,而较长的基线设置可以在远距离提供更好的深度精度。
提前致谢 :)
我有两个具有不同基线的立体声对。一个为 150 毫米,另一个为 500 毫米。我需要找出两种设置的工作范围(以米为单位)。
我使用三角测量从视差图中生成 3D 点。我已经知道,使用较短的基线设置可以在近距离提供更好的深度精度,而较长的基线设置可以在远距离提供更好的深度精度。
提前致谢 :)
You are not entirely correct. Bigger distance between cameras is always better for accuracy in whole range (not just for far objects). The problem with near objects and big camera distance is that the FOV overlapped area of both cameras is smaller then if the cameras are closer together so you have less space to work with.
To determine how far the cameras should be you need to define what you want. I assume you have some far distance accuracy you want to achieve. So compute Z-step in that distance with Angle step defined from the resolution of the cameras. From the triangulation equation derive the camera distance so the Z-step is in you accuracy ... Then check the near object are actually in the FOV of both cameras and if not compromise between far accuracy and range.