我正在尝试为我的日震学课程制定一个情节,并且该问题提供了一个分段函数来描述恒星中“流体”的动力学,就好像它是一回事,如果它是另一回事。我一遍又一遍地收到这个'Mul' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
import sympy as sy
from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.units import Unit
import numpy as np
import sys
import math
import scipy as sp
from scipy import special
phi = Symbol('phi', Variable = True)
x = Symbol('x', Variable = True, Real = True)
t = Symbol('t', Variable = True, Real = True)
xi = Symbol('xi', Function = True)
Solar_Radius = Symbol('R', Constant = True, unit = "meters")
Sound_Speed = Symbol('c', Constant = True, unit = "meters per second", Real = True)
gamma = Symbol('gamma', Constant = True)
gravity = Symbol('g', Constant = True, unit = "meters per second per second")
Solar_Radius = 6.963 * 10 ** 6
gamma = 5/3
g = 274.8265625336
gas_constant = 8201.25
c = 8.1 * 10 ** 3
for t in range(0,x/c):
xi[x,t] = 0
for t in range(x/c,00):
xi[x,t] = (1/2)*sy.exp(gamma*g*x/(2*c**2))*mpmath.besselj(0, (gamma*g/(2*c)*sy.sqrt(t**2 - ((x/c)**2))),derivative = 0)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-50-3506376f1686> in <module>()
----> 1 for t in range(0,x/c):
2 xi[x,t] = 0
3 for t in range(x/c,00):
4 xi[x,t] = (1/2)*sy.exp(gamma*g*x/(2*c**2))*mpmath.besselj(0, (gamma*g/(2*c)*sy.sqrt(t**2 - ((x/c)**2))),derivative = 0)
TypeError: 'Mul' object cannot be interpreted as an integer