我在尝试为 中的点模式模型生成杠杆图时遇到一些麻烦spatstat
我有一个具有 3 个协变量和一个 Geyer 交互的模型,它可以正常运行而不会产生任何警告消息。但是,当我尝试生成杠杆图时,我首先收到以下警告:
Large quadrature scheme split into blocks to avoid memory size
limits;6404 dummy points split into 8 blocks, the first 7 blocks
containing 801 dummy points and the last block containing 797 dummy
Error in ppmInfluenceEngine(fit, what = what, ..., iScore = iScore, iHessian = iHessian, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
我认为问题与 R 试图拆分正交方案这一事实有关,因为之前,当它没有崩溃并且我能够使用完全相同的模型生成杠杆图时,它不必拆分它(或者至少它不会让我知道它!)
#generate a pattern
pattern <- rpoispp(1454)
#generate a covariate
cov1 <- rnoise(rgen = rnorm, dimyx=32, mean=2, sd=1, w = pattern$window)
cov2 <- rnoise(rgen = rnorm, dimyx=32, mean=1, sd=7, w = pattern$window)
cov3 <- rnoise(rgen = rnorm, dimyx=32, mean=5, sd=10, w = pattern$window)
#fit the model
fit <- ppm(pattern ~ cov1 + cov2 + cov3, Geyer(r = 0.01, s = 0.02))
leverage(fit) #this produces the warning and then the error
我正在运行 R 版本 3.3.1 和 spatstat 版本 1.46-1