我是 C/C++ 的新手,我一直在绞尽脑汁,但仍然不知道如何制作这样的“结构”
它应该是一个使用指针的 3D 动态数组。
int x=5,y=4,z=3;
int ***sec=new int **[x];
知道如何制作 y 和 z 的静态大小就足够了;
我是 C/C++ 的新手,我一直在绞尽脑汁,但仍然不知道如何制作这样的“结构”
它应该是一个使用指针的 3D 动态数组。
int x=5,y=4,z=3;
int ***sec=new int **[x];
知道如何制作 y 和 z 的静态大小就足够了;
要动态创建 3D 整数数组,最好先了解 1D 和 2D 数组。
const int MAX_SIZE=128;
int *arr1D = new int[MAX_SIZE];
在这里,我们正在创建一个 int 指针,它将指向一块可以存储整数的内存。
const int HEIGHT=20;
const int WIDTH=20;
int **arr2D = new int*[WIDTH]; //create an array of int pointers (int*), that will point to
//data as described in 1D array.
for(int i = 0;i < WIDTH; i++){
arr2D[i] = new int[HEIGHT];
3D 阵列:这就是你想要做的。在这里,您可以尝试以上两种情况使用的方案。应用与二维数组相同的逻辑。有问题的图表说明了一切。第一个数组将是指针到指针的指针(int*** - 因为它指向双指针)。解决方案如下:
const int X=20;
const int Y=20;
const int z=20;
int ***arr3D = new int**[X];
for(int i =0; i<X; i++){
arr3D[i] = new int*[Y];
for(int j =0; j<Y; j++){
arr3D[i][j] = new int[Z];
for(int k = 0; k<Z;k++){
arr3D[i][j][k] = 0;
// one-liner
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > ThreeDimensions;
// expanded
typedef std::vector<int> OneDimension;
typedef std::vector<OneDimension> TwoDimensions;
typedef std::vector<TwoDimension> ThreeDimensions;
(毕竟这是标记为 c++)
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) {
/* one-liner */
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >ThreeDimensions;
/* expanded */
typedef std::vector<int>OneDimension;
typedef std::vector<OneDimension>TwoDimensions;
typedef std::vector<TwoDimensions>ThreeDimensions;
create 3 * 10 * 25 array filled with '12'
const size_t NElements1(25);
const size_t NElements2(10);
const size_t NElements3(3);
const int InitialValueForAllEntries(12);
ThreeDimensions three_dim(NElements3, TwoDimensions(NElements2, OneDimension(NElements1, InitialValueForAllEntries)));
/* the easiest way to assign a value is to use the subscript operator */
three_dim[0][0][0] = 11;
/* now read the value: */
std::cout << "It should be 11: " << three_dim[0][0][0] << "\n";
/* every other value should be 12: */
std::cout << "It should be 12: " << three_dim[0][1][0] << "\n";
/* get a reference to a 2d vector: */
TwoDimensions& two_dim(three_dim[1]);
/* assignment */
two_dim[2][4] = -1;
/* read it: */
std::cout << "It should be -1: " << two_dim[2][4] << "\n";
/* get a reference to a 1d vector: */
OneDimension& one_dim(two_dim[2]);
/* read it (this is two_dim[2][4], aka three_dim[1][2][4]): */
std::cout << "It should be -1: " << one_dim[4] << "\n";
/* you can also use at(size_t): */
std::cout << "It should be 12: " << one_dim.at(5) << "\n";
return 0;
What you're trying to do is not idiomatic in C++. Of course, you can use a int***pointer
for this, but this is strongly discouraged. In C++ we have better ways to get there.
vector<vector<vector<int> > > foo (5,vector<vector<int> >(4, vector<int>(3)));
This will result in something with the memory layout similar to what you asked for. It supports dynamic resizing and inner vectors to have different sizes just like in your picture. In addition, you don't have to worry about manual allocation / deletion of any of it. Also, the vectors know their size so you don't have to remember it somewhere.
But if you just want a "rectangular" 3D array where all the elements are consecutivly stored in the same memory block, you could use a boost::multiarray.
for(int i=0;i<x;i++) {
sec[i] = new int *[y];
for(int j=0;j<y;j++) {
sec[i][j] = new int [z];
for(int i=0;i<x;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<y;j++) {
delete [] sec[i][j];
delete [] sec[i];
delete [] sec;
如果你真的是用 C++(不是粗略的 C)来写这个,我认为你应该再看看这个复杂的数据结构。IMO 重新设计,同时牢记您正在尝试做的事情会更好。
int ***sec = new int**[x];
sec 现在是一个长度为 x 的 int**s 数组,所以现在我将专注于使第 zeroeth 元素成为您想要的
sec[0] = new int*[y];
现在 sec[0] 指向长度为 y 的 int*s 数组,现在只需要完成树的最后一位,所以
sec[0][0] = new int[z];
sec[0][0][z-1] = 0;
如果它是您遇到问题的实际数组,请看这里:Declaring a pointer to multidimensional array and allocating the array