在我的单页网站上,我添加了一个脚本以在不同的 div 框之间进行平滑移动。但突然导航停止工作。这是最后一个打破它。
var sections = {},
_height = $(window).height(),
i = 0;
// Grab positions of our sections
sections[this.name] = $(this).offset().top;
var pos = $(this).scrollTop();
// Look in the sections object and see if any section is viewable on the screen.
// If two are viewable, the lower one will be the active one.
for(i in sections){
if(sections[i] > pos && sections[i] < pos + _height){
$('#nav_' + i).addClass('active');
var full_url = this.href;
var parts = full_url.split("#");
var trgt = parts[1];
var target_offset = $("#"+trgt).offset();
var target_top = target_offset.top;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:target_top}, 500);