按照 Kudan 的 SampleApp 脚本:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

namespace Kudan.AR.Samples
    /// <summary>
    /// Script used in the Kudan Samples. Provides functions that switch between different tracking methods and start abitrary tracking.
    /// </summary>
    public class SampleApp : MonoBehaviour
        public KudanTracker _kudanTracker;  // The tracker to be referenced in the inspector. This is the Kudan Camera object.
        public TrackingMethodMarker _markerTracking;    // The reference to the marker tracking method that lets the tracker know which method it is using
        public TrackingMethodMarkerless _markerlessTracking;    // The reference to the markerless tracking method that lets the tracker know which method it is using

        public void MarkerClicked()
            _kudanTracker.ChangeTrackingMethod(_markerTracking);    // Change the current tracking method to marker tracking

        public void MarkerlessClicked()
            _kudanTracker.ChangeTrackingMethod(_markerlessTracking);    // Change the current tracking method to markerless tracking

        public void StartClicked()
            // from the floor placer.
            Vector3 floorPosition;          // The current position in 3D space of the floor
            Quaternion floorOrientation;    // The current orientation of the floor in 3D space, relative to the device

            _kudanTracker.FloorPlaceGetPose(out floorPosition, out floorOrientation);   // Gets the position and orientation of the floor and assigns the referenced Vector3 and Quaternion those values
            _kudanTracker.ArbiTrackStart(floorPosition, floorOrientation);              // Starts markerless tracking based upon the given floor position and orientations

要访问 Kudan 的函数/事件/变量,我需要使用 Kudan 的相同命名空间创建一个脚本。我不知道这可能有什么好处或坏处,因为我不太了解命名空间。




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namespace Kudan.AR.Samples
    public class SampleApp
        public KudanTracker _kudanTracker; 


public class SampleApp
    public Kudan.AR.KudanTracker _kudanTracker;

有关更多信息,我建议查找如何使用 Namespaces

于 2016-07-26T09:03:04.923 回答