给定以下 16 位 PRNG 函数的汇编代码,
$80/8111 E2 20 SEP #$20 ; set 8-bit mode accumulator
$80/8113 AD E5 05 LDA $05E5 ; load low byte of last random number
$80/8116 8D 02 42 STA $4202
$80/8119 A9 05 LDA #$05 ; multiply it by 5
$80/811B 8D 03 42 STA $4203
$80/811E EA NOP
$80/811F C2 20 REP #$20 ; set 16-bit mode accumulator
$80/8121 AD 16 42 LDA $4216 ; load the resultant product
$80/8124 48 PHA ; push it onto the stack
$80/8125 E2 20 SEP #$20 ; 8-bit
$80/8127 AD E6 05 LDA $05E6 ; load high byte of last random number
$80/812A 8D 02 42 STA $4202
$80/812D A9 05 LDA #$05 ; multiply by 5
$80/812F 8D 03 42 STA $4203
$80/8132 EB XBA ; exchange high and low bytes of accumulator
$80/8133 EA NOP
$80/8134 AD 16 42 LDA $4216 ; load low byte of product
$80/8137 38 SEC
$80/8138 63 02 ADC $02,s ; add to it the high byte of the original product
$80/813A 83 02 STA $02,s ; save it to the high byte of the original product
$80/813C C2 20 REP #$20 ; 16-bit
$80/813E 68 PLA ; pull it from the stack
$80/813F 69 11 00 ADC #$0011 ; add 11
$80/8142 8D E5 05 STA $05E5 ; save as new random number
$80/8145 6B RTL
名为@sagara 的用户将代码翻译为 C:
#define LOW(exp) ((exp) & 0x00FF)
#define HIGH(exp) (((exp) & 0xFF00) >> 8)
uint16_t prng(uint16_t v) {
uint16_t low = LOW(v);
uint16_t high = HIGH(v);
uint16_t mul_low = low * 5;
uint16_t mul_high = high * 5;
// need to check for overflow, since final addition is adc as well
uint16_t v1 = LOW(mul_high) + HIGH(mul_low) + 1;
uint8_t carry = HIGH(v1) ? 1 : 0;
uint16_t v2 = (LOW(v1) << 8) + LOW(mul_low);
return (v2 + 0x11 + carry);
uint16_t v1 = LOW(mul_high) + HIGH(mul_low) + 1;
+ 1
操作的原因,但是我们如何确定进位标志设置为 1?以前的哪些操作可以保证这一点?XBC
? _ 我阅读了一些帖子,例如Assembly ADC (Add with carry) to C++和Overflow and Carry flags on Z80但我不清楚,因为指令集似乎不同我不熟悉65C816 汇编。(这是 1994 年流行的 SNES 游戏,它的北美发行周年纪念日刚刚过去;免费投票给正确的猜测 :-)在下一行...
uint8_t carry = HIGH(v1) ? 1 : 0;